Title: In Abscence Pairing: Rapmon/Jin Rating: PG-13 Genre: angst, fantasy, the mortal instruments! au Word Count: 715 Summary: Namjoon has always been good with words, but never the truth.
Title: In Your Eyes Pairing: Suga/Jin Rating: PG-13 Genre: fluff Word Count: 608 Summary: Yoongi doesn’t want Seokjin to leave. It’s a good thing that Seokjin can practically read his mind.
Title: (You Make Me Feel) Brand New Pairing: V/Jungkook, Jin/Jimin Rating: PG-13 Genre: fluff, humor Word Count: 7949 Summary: Jungkook thinks it was probably coincidence, because he doesn’t believe that much in fate.
Title: Are You Happy Now? (2/2) Pairing: Jin/Jimin, [spoiler!]V/Jimin Rating: PG-13 Genre: fluff, angst, humor, roadtrip! au Word Count: 11410 Summary: Seokjin goes on a road trip with his friends and ends up with his first heartbreak.
Title: Are You Happy Now? (1/2) Pairing: Jin/Jimin, [spoiler!]V/Jimin Rating: PG-13 Genre: fluff, angst, humor, roadtrip! au Word Count: 11410 Summary: Seokjin goes on a road trip with his friends and ends up with his first heartbreak.
Title: Accidentally, Coincidentally Pairing: Jimin/Jungkook, side! V/Jhope Rating: PG-13 Genre: fluff, humor Word Count: 5812 Summary: It’s obvious that Hoseok is pulling up strings to get Jungkook and Jimin together, but Jungkook doesn’t really need any help. originally written for elfscouts 2015
Title: Waiting in the Train (for you) Pairing: Jin/Jimin Rating: PG-13 Genre: angst Word count: 1638 Summary: They were the most perfect couple, but now that’s all just in past tense.
Title: For You Pairing: Jin/Jimin Rating: PG-13 Genre: fluff, Gakuen Alice! au Word count: 2402 words Summary: Seokjin has always liked festivals, and now he has even more reason to.