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  • Where's the yoroi-ero?

    ficbitches Aug 26, 2004 20:38

    Howdy all, Gunstar here. Yeah, we've been slacking too much, we know. I'm going to be working on getting out another review in the nearish future, so please look forward to it ( Read more... )
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  • I am a zombie, back from the dead!

    ficbitches Aug 24, 2004 04:39

    Note: Velvet Venus here, no special icon this time, since it seems our paid time has run out while we weren't paying attention. Whoops. Hopefully our layout won't disappear while we're wrangling over who is going to pay for the LJ this time. I will admit I feel slightly guilty that our first update this year is coming at the end of August. * ( Read more... )
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  • Legolas, before the Plastic Surgery and Hooker Shoes.

    ficbitches Dec 05, 2003 02:14

    Okay, so the first part is not technically a review, but we do manage to make fun of several fandoms and fanfics! A piece of a conversation between several ficbitches tonight, wherein we come up with a new name for certian types of BNFs and try and foist off a gigantic review of 3 novel sized fics onto each other.

    Get Backers, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, Oh My! )
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  • Yes, we're still alive.

    ficbitches Dec 03, 2003 16:21


    No, we haven't vanished off the face of the earth - we're still here, we just have lives outside of fanfiction, and (obviously) this is a hectic time period for everyone.

    But! We have a mission for you, o loyal ficbitch followers! You see, a long long time ago, there existed a King of Fighters fic so special that we giggled about ( Read more... )
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  • Hot diggity dog! Another guest review!

    ficbitches Oct 07, 2003 20:02

    Hi again, readers. While there's much amusement going on in some of the entries below this one, we have come to the realization that we haven't done much in the way of actual FIC reviews recently. Fortunately, a kind soul named Zarla just sent us a guest review. This fic might not damage your brain, but it probably will induce vomiting.

    Harry Read more... )
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