Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What would
my_anorexorcism think of
granola_stalker? that she's awesome... and "the best" as I've heard it quoted.
2) Is
hurricanenormie athletic? not really, but he LOVES sports. i swear he can watch any sport on T.V. 24/7
missdesirae's hair color? it changes but i think it's red right now.
4) Does
lycanthrope_exe have a big secret? probably, but I don't know it... that's why it's a secret
5) One thing you can't stand about
naked_rock? the fact that I never see him.
6) What animal does
bajita remind you of? a mouse. she's real small.
7) What planet should
on_ice be from? Mars.
8) If
my_anorexorcism commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? hehe... probablly a bunch of punk kids.
9) Are
granola_stalker and
bajita married? no.
10) Is
devriatedseptum a nerd? yes, and we love her for it
11) Which of your friends should
lovejuliet go out with? who ever she wants
12) Where did you first meet
droolie? the VH. hooray!
13) What color should
renardevanille dye their hair? black. she could rock it.
14) Is
luckyman15 in a relationship? I think so... I dunno.
15) What video game does
dork_63 remind you of? ahha.. um. some old school nintendo worm game.
16) What comic book character would
boykill be? something from Dragon Ball Z. not a comic book.. but still.
17) Is
x_lara_x introverted or extroverted? introverted. but extroverted when she's around me! we are soulmateys
18) Are
sarahlaine and
devriatedseptum going out? no
19) Is
luckyman15 dead sexy? um...
20) What is
nintendo84's shoe size? er.. probablly 10 like me
21) What animal should
proxblast_one be combined with? a Lion
22) Would you make out with
jahovich? been there, done that. do it again if he was sober.
23) Does
luckyman15 smoke? yes
24) Is
jcope403 single? I dunno
missdesirae's eye color? brown? hazel-ish...
26) Did
on_ice break up with you? we never dated
27) How many monkeys could
jcope403 fight at once and win against? probablly a million
28) Does
devriatedseptum travel a lot? not really.
29) What languages does
sasspot speak? the language of LOOOOVE
30) Is
sasspot a college student? a graduate actually.
31) Which president would
lycanthrope_exe be likely to idolize? I dunno.
32) Have you ever dated
jahovich? wanted to.
33) How long would
sarahlaine dating
jahovich last? sarah is a bitch. i don't know.
34) Does
droolie know
sweet_nevermore? yes
35) Do you have
proxblast_one's screenname? yes
36) Is
luckyman15 related to you? no
37) Do you have a crush on
proxblast_one? haha.... i have a crush on his wife
38) How long have you known
sarahlaine? too long. she broke my brother's heart.
39) What flavor of jello would
devriatedseptum be? lime
40) What mental disorder does
lycanthrope_exe remind you of? I dunno
41) When did you last call
on_ice? it's been a while
42) What rank would
jcope403 have in a giant robot army? specialist
43) Are
luckyman15 and
hurricanenormie going steady? haha.. no
44) Is
sasspot a high school student? no
45) What is
sweet_nevermore's favorite movie? something Japanese
46) Is
sasspot popular? very. in our group of friends
47) Does
luckyman15 go to your school? no
48) If
bajita and
renardevanille were spliced together, what would be its name? Heidany
49) What song/movie would you recommend to
jcope403? I don't really talk to him any more.
50) Has
my_anorexorcism been to your house/dorm? yes
51) What would you do if
on_ice died? cry. and smoke a bowl in his name
52) What would you do if you found out
jahovich has a crush on you? I would tell him he is to late.
53) What would
devriatedseptum do differently in your shoes? probablly would do better than me.
54) If
boykill and
jcope403 were spliced together, what would it be like? um. crazy sexy
55) How would
hurricanenormie conquer the world? he would brain wash the public through sports on TV.
56) Does
my_anorexorcism drink? yes he does... he is a pirate after all.
57) Does
droolie do drugs? I dunno
58) Is
dork_63 related to
on_ice? no
59) Would you ever date
my_anorexorcism? he's hot... but Lara and him make such a good couple.. so no.
60) How tall is
scabage? um.. 5''10 i wanna say.
61) Would
jcope403 and
on_ice make a good couple? no
62) How would
lycanthrope_exe kill
missdesirae? dramatically... and desirae probably wouldn't mind
63) What is
lhiannansidhe's favorite band/artist? something Japanese
64) If
droolie took over the world, who would suffer? probablly stupid blonde girls. they would be forced to clean everyone toliets.
65) Do you think
dork_63 is hot? he's my brother.
66) Is
missdesirae 1337? no
67) Would
devriatedseptum and
sasspot look good together? haha... yessss
68) What is
granola_stalker's favorite game? the Question game
69) Could you see
naked_rock and
lycanthrope_exe together? no
70) Does
my_anorexorcism have a crush on
renardevanille? probablly not
71) If
my_anorexorcism and
missdesirae were siamese twins, where would they be joined? by the head
72) Is
sasspot your best friend? I love liz.
73) What is
jcope403's biggest flaw? he's crazy.
74) What would
scabage give
rizz_kiyoshi for his/her birthday? I dunno
75) If
jahovich had a superpower, what would it be? the ability to fly, without an airplane... he loves to fly
76) Would you wrestle
jcope403 in jello? yes
77) One quality you find attractive in
jahovich? he's funny and he cares...
78) Would
hurricanenormie be a better ninja or pirate? ninja... he can't be as cool as me.
79) If
missdesirae took over the world, who would be happy? Lesbians
80) What exotic animal would
proxblast_one like as a pet? some jungle creature of some kind.
81) Where was
lillywolfsbane born? Palmer
82) Would you set up
renardevanille and
luckyman15? they have dated before.. they are better friends
83) If
sarahlaine were hanging off a cliff, what would
lhiannansidhe do? nothing, cause i'd push her away from sarah and then stomp on sarah's fingers. wow, i'm mean.
84) What is
dork_63's favorite food? not spaghetti
85) Has
hurricanenormie dyed their hair? blue
86) If
my_anorexorcism was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? some kind of cop
87) Thoughts on
lovejuliet? I miss her.
88) Where would
lycanthrope_exe most like to visit? I dunno
89) Is
boykill friends with
my_anorexorcism? yes
90) Is
jahovich an emo? haha.. under the alcoholism, I think yes.
91) Would
dork_63 go out with
jahovich? haha.. no
92) What do you agree with
x_lara_x about? almost everything.
93) What is
jcope403's favorite color? blue... I think
94) Does
moonsparkles have a dog? i don't think so
95) Have you flirted with
jahovich? yes... geeze, stop asking me about NICK!
96) Do
my_anorexorcism and
lovejuliet go to the same school? no
97) What is
sarahlaine allergic to? me.
98) What word best describes
rizz_kiyoshi? standoff-ish
99) What do you disagree with
scabage about? wether to cook pizza or hot pockets in her vagina. aka the hot box.
100) Where was
on_ice born? fuck if i know.