Title: giving up the ghost Prompts: alcohol, cold case, resolution (castle100) Rating: PG Summary: The tightrope she's been walking on since her mother's death has slowly drawn thinner and thinner. Spoilers: None really, but just to be safe - it does reference her mom's murder.
Title: In A Different Light Fandom: Castle Prompts: laughter, photo, hope (castle100 ) Spoilers: Knockdown Rating: PG Summary: The pictures are hidden between files of debriefs.
Title: Consider Me Gone Fandom: Lost Rating: PG Spoilers: What Kate Did, The Pilot Prompt: #69/run (lost_in_108 ) Summary: She runs, she falls, she dies.
Title: The Heart of Everything Prompts: hospital, surprise Rating: G Pairing: Beckett/Castle Author's Notes: I've been wanting to venture into the Castle fandom for quite some time now, and I thought what better way to do it then by starting with a few drabbles. ;)
Title: Tripped Into Divine Rating: PG Prompt: #66/map Summary: Aaron falls down the rabbit hole. Author's Notes: written for lost_in_108. I'm....not sure what this is, but enjoy.
Title: all is calm, all is bright Prompt: Moonlight Rating: PG Summary: Clark has an early Christmas present for Lois. Spoilers: Icarus Author's Notes: This is written in present tense, so I hope those are all correct. For the 12days_of_clois.
Title: The Great Escape Rating: PG Spoilers: none Prompt: #64/sweet Summary: Sweet success is within his grasp. Author's Notes: written for lost_in_108 on livejournal.