"masterlist" of fics and doodles

Jul 02, 2011 18:18

Why this post exists: exactly what the tag says ~ I have OCD tendencies; therefore even though I haven't really done that much I must organize it all in one place.

PLUS! some wonderful related work by fellow fans, for which I am amazed and delighted, and thank them forever ~ ♥ ~

~ organized by fandom, then by type [fic/art/etc.] ~ (pretty much PG-13 unless otherwise specified)

Alexander the Great

AtG Fics:

" Elegy" - poem, in the form of 3 Shakespearean sonnets. Alexander's thoughts after Hephaestion's gone.

" A Kingly Gift" - Some people think a king's gifts should all be big and expensive. Alexander and Hephaestion know better. For a challenge from coraldawn , who requested food and love and suggested caviar.

" Showtime!" - A short time after Alexander tamed Bucephalus, there's to be a show of horses at Pella's royal court, put on by Amyntor, a mysterious old friend of King Philip. An "Alexander and Hephaestion meet" story, with royal family and Companions and very smart horses.
- [ Prologue   Ch. 1   2 3   4   Epilogue]
- Look! maxwell-kiddo drew THIS wonderful illustration!  8D

" On the Sunny Banks of the Cydnus" - Retelling of the anecdote about Alexander's trust in his physician Philip. A couple of months before the pivotal battle of Issus (it's in the history books!), Alexander falls very ill and everyone, from pages to Companions, must scramble to deal with it. (An Alexander-and-Hephaestion story at heart, of course~ )
[Ch. 1   2   3   4   5   6]

" To the Olympics!" - unfinished  :( and unlikely to get finished any time in the near future, although the last chapter posted does end on a happy, hopeful note. Based on a line from the Alexander Romance; Alexander and Hephaestion and the 340 BC Olympics.
[Ch. 1   2   3]

AtG Fanart:

Alexander with helmet - a more "serious" style ^___^;;; pencil sketch

Alexander and Hephaestion reading - manga/anime style, 1 pencil sketch + 2 colored versions

Alexander and Companions - manga/anime style, 1 black-and-white, 1 colored version. Alexander, Hephaestion, and 11 of Alexander's other buddies. And an elephant. You can play guess-who's-who!

AtG Manga/Comic: Little Dr. Alexander (YES AtG LOOK what you made me DO!!! @___@) 7 pages. And wanamaker05 did a Chinese translation! (中文版!) :D

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Supernatural - um ... hopefully this will grow until it actually warrants a "section"... XD


" miserere" - 320-word ficlet - the moment Castiel finishes the mission to rescue Dean Winchester's soul from Hell

" As cold waters to a thirsty soul" - episode 4.16 "On the Head of a Pin" interlude/missing scenes (3300 words) ~ Sam, Castiel, and their thoughts as they wait for Dean to wake up - including Dean and God, what to do next, whom they can count on and what it takes to do the job. Short appearances from Ruby and Anna.

" Reasons, Caution" - 2 tags (each ~980 words) combined: 4.17 "It's a Terrible Life" tag: Zachariah learns of Uriel's Fall from Castiel; trust is a thing of the past. 4.20 "The Rapture" previews tag" : a confrontation between angels, and a moment between brothers.

SPN Fanart

~ this is faith~ [R/Not work-safe!] For tracy-loo-who's " The Forty-First Year", in which Dean is unbearably horrible, and yet unbearably not. And Castiel, with his perseverance and forgiveness and $(#&%*! faith ... ! To quote the Tin Man - "Now I know I have a heart, because it's breaking,"  ;_____;

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Fanart: sketch of Thomas Jefferson - not technically fanwork of any show/book/etc. but oh well ~

why yes i'm obsessive-compulsive

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