Just taking a look at how this new Live Journal client works. I like the idea of "word processor" like WYSIWYG, and not having to type HTML code on the fly (though in the long run, it will probably keep the syntax and such fresh in my mind). So, we're off to dinner somewhere. Dave is surprising me. I also got a nice wakeup call from a buddy
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- that means I wanna bone myself... hard! ::ouch:: (and if I could do that, I'd never leave the house) I also scored a 69 with Aragorn - where do I collect? ::heh::
His eyes are what get me, but he's way more boneable in a beard.
The horror that had become this poor woman's death is finally over. If anything positive can be said to have come of her protracted suffering, for me it was the following lessons:
We got to see just how meddling and relentlessly power mad some politicians are (when a convenient political pawn, and enough rabid busy body right-wingers appear).
Lately the news from Florida reads like some Saturday Night Live skit about Generalissimo Francisco Franco gone horribly wrong. Most gruesome, is the seeming blind ability of the parents to not hear, let alone grasp the concepts of brain death, and "persistent vegetative state". Time to drag out the Kubler-Ross and read up again. Denial is the
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A gay male Bjork-o-phile - now theres a shock, right? Dave and I are off to Manchester (NH's interpretation of a city) tonight for an appointment, and to deliver my sister and her spouse their xmas gifts. Just a bit late, but she's been traveling... they're both retired (in their late 30's and just take off for a few weeks at a time
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Bummer morning. Letting the dog in, I caught my thumb on some sharp part of the screen door and ripped a big hole in it (my thumb, not the door). Doors are more durable than thumbs. I now know this for future reference
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Dave took me on a date last night! He's sweet like that, but not cloyingly so. I like the fact that he notices if I'm pensive, or stuck on something that bums me out a bit. So it was 'off to the big city' for an evening
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