Title: These Old Bones Pairing: Andy Skib/Neal Tiemann Rating: pg Warnings: Mentions of past death Summary: Future fic. A Skibmann Christmas when they are old men. Word Count: 700
Title: Never The Same Author: like-i-love-you Rating: R Summary: Danny slowly self-destructs and loses it. His anger at Adam becomes all consuming. From Danny’s POV. Warning: non-con Author’s Note: Written for the original AI kinkmeme.
Title: Feeling The Sound Author: like-i-love-you Rating: R Pairing: none. POV can be either Kris, Matt, Anoop, or Danny Summary: When he’s alone... Notes: Disclaimer: Not mine. If they were I wouldn’t share.
Title: Drunk Texting Author: like-i-love-you Rating: pg-13 Paring: David/Neal Summary: David is drunk texting Celeverbot and Neal is cooler than ninjas. Warnings: Crackfic!
Title: Drabble Author: like-i-love-you Rating: pg Pairing: Cookleta Summary: Archie is not having fun. Author’s Note: Originally written for the David Cook AP.