Permissions Meme

Apr 15, 2010 18:33

Permissions Meme

Please fill this out and post it in your character journal! This will help players to know what sort of limits there are for you and your character, as well as important information for those unfamiliar with your character.

Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/it depends?

Backtagging with this character - yes/no/it depends?

Back-dating entries with this character - yes/no/it depends?

Hugging/kissing/other sort of intimate actions with this character?

Punching or causing some other form of physical harm to this character?

Is there anything that should not be mentioned near this character?

Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character (i.e. special physical features or abilities)?

Anything else that was not mentioned above?

  • Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/it depends? Are you all right with a third character joining/jumping in on a conversation between you and another character? Are there any special circumstances where you would or wouldn't allow it?

  • Backtagging with this character - yes/no/it depends? Can others tag/comment and commence playing after a few/several days have passed?

  • Back-dating entries with this character - yes/no/it depends? Are you okay with playing something out with another player(s) in one plot even after a new one has come round?

  • Hugging/kissing/other sort of intimate actions with this character? Is your character the sort who would enjoy a hug or even a peck on the cheek? How about a full-on snog? Or, well, you get the idea of where this is going.

  • Punching or causing some other form of physical harm to this character? Physical altercations happen from time to time, so in that case, just how far can characters go before you have to call a time-out and talk to the other player about how severe things will get?

  • Is there anything that should not be mentioned near this character? Is there anything that can trigger a knee-jerk reaction for your character? A horrible experience or reminder of something in the character's past that would set them off? Do you want that topic to be avoided around your character?

  • Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character (i.e. special physical features or abilities)? Does your character secrete a poison from their skin if touched? Can your character run laps around a speed train and still not break a sweat? Let us know what sort of strange things make up who they are that haven't been mentioned already.

  • Anything else that was not mentioned above? What it says on the tin.

Links to Character Permissions:

Links to Characters' Special Permissions:
If you have special permissions, such as if your character is psychic or a berserker, please feel free to write up another meme for players to comment to separately, post it in your character's journal, and comment with a link here. We'll post the links below!

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