Jan 24, 2009 21:06
So. We have an 8 cubic foot chest freezer. Were looking into getting a side of cow, probably not until it's that time of year again. In the meantime what should we put in it?
Dec 06, 2008 19:31
Mom's dog likes to throw his toys down the stairs and chase them. Only to bring them back to top and start all over again. I can't decide if he smarter than he silly. LOL
Apr 21, 2007 10:20
We woke up to a bright sunny morning today. The first such day in a long time. The girls were very optimistic with their clothing choices. Shorts and spagetti strap tops. It's 55 degrees out now and is expected to get into maybe the high sixties. I let them keep the shorts but had them put on t-shirts.