The migraine isn't a migraine. It's an ear infection that may be moving into my sinuses. I have eardroppy things, but my doctor confessed essentially I could pour vinegar in my ear and get the same sort of help
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I just realized a vague thought I had for a tattoo to add to my left arm won't work. Since it involves white. And I have freckles and they're dark enough to show up even through the blue black of the ink I already have on that arm. *sigh*
Okay, since I've been asked a few times. My Beowulf squee is the squee of a lit dork who has just found out one of her favorite lit dorkeries (mmm Epic) is coming to a theatre near me in November
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No phone calls means they send me home. I'm not so desperate for money I'm going to sit at my cube for 6 more hours. Now.. a day without plans. Edit - Plan made. Marathon Deadlands session! Mmm Gaming geekery.