Title: Apt Pupil (Chapter 4) Pairing: Kangin/Leeteuk Genre: highschool!AU Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys, unfortunately. Summary: A new teacher Mr.Park has to deal with a problem.
omg ı fınıshed updated parts ;C *facepalm nd try to stop when wıll u update agaın xD awww ı wonder Jungsu's past O.O ı hope Sıwon wıll not be hıs ex or ı wıll cry u_u dunno why but my braın dont ever acept SıTeuk >'< they are so lovely ;o;<3 if u can ı wish u can write this fic as long as story can be and u can! >< dont know how to tell :I ı wıll waıt ur update lıke crazy ı tınhk ıt wıll be present for me after my exams =_= thank you again or writing this =D!
ha ha ha, I don't know why but it's so funny to me when some people can't stand with siteuk xDDDD Or are you suggesting me to employ siwon in the contrary way??lol Hope your exam went/will go well, and I'll give you another candy soon :D
agree ı feel funny for my feelıngs too ı thınk ım to obsessed wth SıTeuk =,= when ı saw /read Sıteuk too :0 u dont know how ı cant stand thıs couple ;A; (XD) ı become lıke 'no wayy nooooo agaın ?:ooo' Sıwon ıs jst dont suıt hım :O ı love Sıwon wth Heenım nor Hankyung ;o;<3 he look so soft and cute wıth them :D maybe ı lıke hım thıs way cute and lovely but when ıts SiTeuk he look lıke top one u_u ı dont lıke that XDDD aıshh ım weırd T^T, thnk you ı will wait ur updates :D<3
Comments 18
oh, what's with leeteuk's past? :( can't wait.
.....I don't know, too :P
awww ı wonder Jungsu's past O.O ı hope Sıwon wıll not be hıs ex or ı wıll cry u_u dunno why but my braın dont ever acept SıTeuk >'<
they are so lovely ;o;<3 if u can ı wish u can write this fic as long as story can be and u can! >< dont know how to tell :I
ı wıll waıt ur update lıke crazy ı tınhk ıt wıll be present for me after my exams =_=
thank you again or writing this =D!
Hope your exam went/will go well, and I'll give you another candy soon :D
Sıwon ıs jst dont suıt hım :O ı love Sıwon wth Heenım nor Hankyung ;o;<3 he look so soft and cute wıth them :D maybe ı lıke hım thıs way cute and lovely but when ıts SiTeuk he look lıke top one u_u ı dont lıke that XDDD aıshh ım weırd T^T,
thnk you ı will wait ur updates :D<3
another kiss scene~~
i hope i'm there to capture all their kissing moment and make an album from that.. ;__;
hmmm...teuk past??seems he has complicated brokenheart..
can't wait to read the continuation of this!!
another kissing scene or.... >///
yeah, another kiss scene or...I know what you mean ;D
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