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18 Jonghyun was lying on the couch, devouring blood packets, and Minho was fawning over him. Mostly, he kept asking what else he needed. It’s not like this was his first time. Sayu glanced to Onew, wrinkle nosed and staring at the other two from where he was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. He noticed her a second later and fixed his expression.
She was nervous, a bit angry and even relieved to see him. She was glad he was back and alive, but she didn’t know how to react to the situation. He just outed her to, well, her only other friend who had vowed to kill him one day, only now he couldn’t because she was bonded to him. Or at least she assumed that, he could be undeterred. She was never really good at singling out someone’s motivations without tons of information.
Again, all points lead to her death being the best outcome for everyone. Sayu took in a deep breath and let it out as she slowly came out of where she was standing in the hallway. Minho glared at her and got up, standing next to the couch, “Are you happy?”
“Shut up Minho.” Jonghyun looked over the back of the couch at her and then lay back down. Sayu froze. She suddenly felt so guilty for everything and she wasn’t sure if it was just her.
Minho looked to him, “But she could have got you killed and you’d both be dead.”
“Which is why you should know she wouldn’t have sicced her hunter friend on me. She’s not stupid like you. Right, Sayu?” He sounded tired and Minho looked back to her, practically daring her to say something to provoke him.
She stood in the middle of the room, her arms suddenly uncomfortable at her sides so she brought them up to cross in front of her. Just to make her seem a little smaller. She nodded to Minho, “Although… I don’t agree that you’re stupid.” Somehow Jonghyun made her feel better, but she couldn’t explain it. Something small like that was enough?
Sayu halfway turned, facing Onew for a second and averting her eyes to the back of the couch like she was able to see Jonghyun. “I’ll be in the room. If you… want to talk.” Which means we need to, so whenever you’re ready.
Onew pushed off the wall he was leaning against and looked to Minho, “We should go out for a bit.”
Minho looked at him suspiciously, “And do what?”
Onew shot him a look and said, “Buy cat food, we’re out.”
Minho looked like he was going to protest again when Jonghyun spoke up, “Go Minho, I’ll make Sayu wait on me.”
“Oh,” Minho hesitantly responded and started following Onew as he walked to the door. He looked back at the couch worried and then shot Sayu another look before he turned to go through the door.
Sayu watched them leave with a dumbfounded look on her face, thoroughly confused. She looked back to the couch after the door closed and suddenly she was aware they were in the house alone together. She didn’t move.
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