I tried out
TrustFlow II for LiveJournal. The following people not on the friends list for
mistachris are close by:
- bigdave357, mazzer_x, xxkellyxx (0 - 50)
- seamus666, lourens, aaronengland, spencerw, lizwindsor, lydiamorgan, operon, fizman, chris_damage, sx23, mark13, saiira, bluekieran, zuleika666, purrsephoni, mr_bizarre (50 - 100)
- mr_foz, electriceye7, dakari_mane, bettiebebe, necromanci, andyknifton, krius, badusernametag, chaospigeon, yummymummy69, alabastamasta, miss_kat, morriganhel, emptyjohn, gekkouchan, unprefixedabbie, declan_g, spazobilly, chelseachainsaw, jonnytuna, pinksarah, bezerkangel, mermaidlala, spoox, aliasrob, suzzi, prettyinpunk81, xxsavagexx, griffinslair (100 - 150)
- gothique1, magic_laura, sproutymouse, rikstik23, specialswede, glamgothruthy, mr_targ, __straybullet, suicideally, purple_emma, thomas_the_cat, indestructible, sharkthompson, emmelinemay, kristal222, god_tim, brummiepaul, sbo, ceridwen_x, miss_soap, rivetmike (150 - 200)
- magenta_luxx, lostprophet, _abby_, digitaljunky, _nick_, _whitenoise, dangermonkey, djsynne, flavius_m, johnnydarke, flywingedmonkey, boringoldfart, ninja_badger, _alexandra_, caroline_vain, knoichi, ourblade, djpsyche, lurid_archive, grh, twinklebot, z_z_dreams_z_z, glitchdrei, avakoska, _st0rm_ (200 - 250)
- redlaurie, nicky_j, sexbat, cherry_forever, fantasygoat, tromaville666 (250 - 300)
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TrustFlow II: Who is closest to your friends