Title: Dear Myself
Author: neko-fish
Pairings: Akame, Ryopi
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kazuya and Jin's relationship has been going downhill when help comes in the strangest way
Chapter 1//
Chapter 2//
Chapter 3//
Chapter 4//
Chapter 5//
Chapter 6//
Chapter 7//
Chapter 8//
Chapter 9//
Chapter 10//
Chapter 11//
Chapter 12//
Chapter 13//
Chapter 14//
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Comments 26
I won’t forgive anyone who hurts Kame.
Even if that person is me.
TT___________TT *bawls*
ahhh~ angst *wipes tears*
Wow. The DEAR MYSELF -->Yeay, title! letter is awesome. It's just so touching.
I've read this whole story from chap 1 - 17 in the span of three nights and I absolutely love it.
I cried while reading the ladt two chapters. T-T The letter to Kame from Jin got me started.
Arigato for writing this story. ^-^
I probavly should be writing this stuff after the last chapter is out, but I'm feeling really grateful right now. XD
Can't wait for the end, I'm going to miss this story though, ^-^
Bit and pieces of this chapter has been wonderful done and stand out as a sore thumb. The conversation piece between Jin and Ueda with the italics are a wonderful thing to read. The letter to oneself is very pretty, of course I do admit that there are some sappy parts in it! But they work, because they fit in the context of this story and we all know even the great writers do that sometimes. Anyway, makes me wonder whether we should all write a letter to ourselves at some point in life and then read it back in another point of our lives to see how much we've changed. Would be interesting. ^_^
Anyway, thank you for your great work and *is bouncing* I'll be anticipating the last chapter!
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