Title: One Two Three Four Five Members: Arashi Genre: Crack Rating: G Disclaimer: I don't own Arashi. Summary: Unique babies. A/N: Based on 'My Girl' PV.
Title: How Green Connects Members: Ohno, Ohno/Aiba (Friendship) Genre: Fluff Rating: G Disclaimer: I don't own Arashi Summary: Ohno's life before Arashi and how Aiba changed his life.
Title: Ordinary Members: Gen Rating: G Disclaimer: I don't own Arashi Summary: Aiba thinks he's a totally normal idol. A/N: Written when I was bored during my class XD I seriously have no idea this belongs to what genre~
Title: Miracle Members: Aiba & Nino (Friendship) Genre: Fluff Rating: G Disclaimer: I don't own Arashi Summary: Two very different boys meet and they change each other's lives.
Title: Music and Colors Pairings: Ohmiya Genre: AU. Fluff Rating: PG Disclaimer: I don't own Arashi. Summary: Ohno wakes up one day and starts to paint.