My mother, brother and I went to visit my Nan today. She is living in a sort of special home where they look after four elderly people at a time. Sort of like homecare but at this one person’s home. Anyway, visiting her was surreal. She kept asking what year it was and where she was. She thought she was in a hospital and she thought it was
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So, after a riveting conversation with Whistler, I was inspired to write and write I did. After a brief 5 hours, the following short story is what I had come up with. Although I doubt anyone reading this will have a problem with it, I feel that I should mention it contains adult language and graphic violence. For those of you who aren't offended
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Has this ever happened to you? You write something and then you don't read it for weeks, months or years. Then, when you do go back and read it, you are so genuinely impressed with yourself that you don't know how you ever wrote it in the first place? Upon reading it, you're not sure you could ever write anything as good ever again? Has that
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So, I just spent two and half days in Victoria, visiting friends I haven't seen in far too long and I was totally stoked (apparently that's a West Coast word) to update my LJ for the first time in 6 months and talk allll about it. But then, I read all of the recent LG posts of my friends, new and old and I noticed something I have never noticed
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Uwe Boll, widely regarded as the worst director ever spawned, is making another video game-to-movie translation, this time based on the game, Dungeon Siege. This is all fine and dandy, it'll suck, right
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So, in this dream, I was hanging out with Amber (henceforth referred to as Dream Amber) and we were cuddling, watching movies and otherwise acting like a couple. Pretty normal dream stuff. But then, Dream Amber points out that we're in a dream. She states that she enjoys our relationship and wants it to last and I explain that Real Amber doesn't
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