Is working a full time job, a part time job and doing two (or three) evenings of circus classes and one evening of teaching Auslan per week and maintaining a social life a totally crazy idea?
I have to start saying 'no' to things I love doing. Which makes me sad....
...or I could just say goodbye to my sanity and go along for the ride.
The electricity to my house was cut for a few hours this afternoon. Luckily since I don't have AC it didn't make much of a difference other than me missing out on a proper dinner.
The light outside is amazing at the moment. The clouds are thick and dark in the east, but in the west where the sun is setting the sky is (more) clear and an intensely golden light is coming through. Wow. I love summer storms and summer sunsets
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This is the first quiet weekend I've had in ages, so I'm sewing!!! Mostly it's just been mending and doing hems, and a bit of experimentation with scrap fabric, but it's been fun!!
How do you spell kaideloscope? Kadeliscope? Kailescope? (No, I know there's a D in there somewhere) Kaaaaa.... aahahahahhaahhah Google finally gave me an answer! KaleidoscopeYAY
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beancurdled came around yesterday and when I gave her a jar of my mulberry-apricot jam she reminded me that a couple of years ago we'd pulled apart some Tofutti ice-cream biscuits and spread them with some of my jam. Wow. And another friend told me once that she used my jam as a sauce for ice-cream
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On Christmas Day my grandmother picked me up from the train station and drove me to my parents' place. As we turned into the driveway, parrots flew up and my horse was standing in the pasture of one of the front paddocks droopy-lipped with contentment
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