Riful Plot: Amends & Proposals

Jul 06, 2011 13:52

Riful plot
Amends and changes! :) After working with the comments we received last post as well as chat in the following days there was a lot of helpful brainstorming! So taking everything mentioned into account I've tried to change and fix things to address all the concerns that came up and make a compromise that works for everyone--which is what you will see below the cut!

Even if you have no idea what's going on, who any of these Bad Guys are--we encourage you to take part♥ There should be something for everyone to do, no matter how small or how antisocial they are! If you're not sure what to do, there will hopefully be a planning post going up in a few days to help get the ball rolling as far as getting your guys in on things!

link list
amends and proposal
Plot lead-up


Contact Info:

AIM: we were british
PLURK: pterodotyl

Revamped with everyone's input and comments :) It's be no means a definite plan or set in stone--if you guys can think of anything that makes it work better for you the player base, then by all means say something!


By now residents have received a PSA from Allen Walker re: Riful mentioning his discussion with her during the Pirate Plot. This is the first of several steps by the heroes to get things going in a more earnest attempt to begin dealing with the resident villains. So this is one way to get involved--backtagging is always nice 8)

As for a proposed series of unfortunate events...

During this month heroes just do their thang--continue work toward whatever solutions and ideas they can think of! This means various prep-work on...whatever you guys want, really! :D Do hero things!

While heroes continue their work information it becomes apparent to them (via clues if you guys want, their own investigation, intuition--anything!) that the villains are up to something. They either stumble upon conversations, find something suspicious, catch a villain or two affiliated with Riful, have a Mole--anything! It tips them off that the villains are Up To Something and it's Big. So they start reacting and getting ready in whatever way works best. Preferably this sort of thing would go to people kind of on the edges of involvement with Riful who want to get involved but don't really have the hero CR/initial motive to get involved.

If you guys like the sound of this idea there is a bunch of stuff I have been preparing over the last few months for heroes to find, discover, or analyze! This will probably be it's own post in the ooc comm.

Riful & co. continue about their basic business as usual which will include contacting various people involved, collecting whatever supplies they need, meetings...and a little bit of mugging a certain red-haired Exorcist (Cross) so she exact revenge on a certain Beast Which Covets the Objects (Pharos). And of course there's the whole "getting Joshua his horns back". These events could serve as major tip-offs (Cross mid-July and Joshua/Pharos end of July) to the heroes that Riful's begun moving and that Shit Is Getting Reaaalllllll.

And with heroes starting to move a lot more in earnest it becomes inevitable that the Baddies realize something's up on the hero end of things--allies have been captured and it seems the heroes are Up To Something too! This is where Riful would possibly kidnap a select few residents in an attempt to get information from them on what's what with the heroes. Or even to get back at the heroes for taking some of her allies--and eye for an eye after all! It would be basic interrogation and being kidnapped; after all, she wouldn't want to provoke the heroes before she's ready.

Of course then she finds out that they ARE up to something and she's forced to speed up her plans. They're no longer exactly as she wants them; she's forced to act before all her pieces are lined up. Riful's assault becomes reactionary to the perceived threat of a coordinated effort by the residents of the castle rather than a meticulously planned invasion.

August 11th/12th:

Two ideas came up! One is that with damaged pride and insulted by the gall of heroes rising against her Riful publicly makes a "HDU YOU ARROGANT CHILDREN" before she announces open war on them and make her move, ooorrrrr..... The heroes begin their movements first, and upon seeing this Riful makes her HDU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN speech and announces open war that way! This is where Riful will announce she has hostages/confirms heroes' suspicions she does/demands the release of captured villains/....stuff. We'll work that out here :)

Once all the warring starts Legato & Wilhelm will take control of the townspeople and turn them against the residents to delay them & cause some panic. Hank, Joshua & Arthas will join them as Arthas heads the army and Joshua acts as back-up to Legato (he will also be initiating the first "opt-out" upon arrival in town by freezing residents caught in town who don't want to be part of the destruction). Hank is the general muscle to keep uber-godmods busy, hopefully :) Although 40,000 combatants sounds daunting, they will be poorly-equipped for battle and distracting or engaging Legato will result in a loss of control over hundreds of townspeople at a time. The more he has to focus on his own surroundings the less he's able to control the townspeople.

Villains should be separated into their own sort of encounters eventually to give everyone a chance to get a piece of the action!

This also leaves Billy, Harley, Nikola & Tyki with hostages/kidnappees at the Lake Outpost on the Dead Zone side! This may be a good place for non-powered heroes or heroes willing to have their character weakened by the proximity to the Dead Zone to help even out fights.

Aside from battles there will be a handful of other things to do as well: first aid, healing, coordination, info-sharing, small response groups, ONE-MANNING, helping stop townspeople, fortifying the castle, taking care of children/rounding them all up--if you can think of it, do it! If this all works for you guys a planning post will go up within the next few days to help sort out everything for the next month and a bit or so :)

And now, some misc info:

Villains & Battles:
There will be a planning & info post made closer to plot implementation that will list each villain, where they will generally tend to be, strengths, weaknesses, best offense, and permissions (death, capture, injure). Canon example of powers will be provided as well :) This is where we will try to coordinate who goes where and when! Just so we don't wind up lost and no one gets left out of any action.

Townspeople numbers should be small! As far as PCs go, that is up to each individual mun.

Entirely up to you guys! So long as they fall within the capture/kill/injure preferences of the individual muns you guys are free to have your heroes respond to their defeat however they please! I know there were suggestions for villain therapy down the road; maybe there could even be something like a huge "what do we do with these assholes" discussion amongst the residents! It's all up to you :>

Kidnappees: (sign-ups TBA)
  • No children
  • Must be cleared with CR (if not then it's an auto-out for the character)
  • Will not be harmed/killed

    Undead: (sign-ups TBA)
  • 4-6 max
  • No children
  • Must be cleared with CR (if not then it's an auto-out for the character)
  • Only 4/6 can be revived by Tia Dalma w/o the usual Death penalty (additional loss)
  • The other 2/6 must die permanently for a 2 week duration
  • Ghouls are mindless undead, Undead retain memories/individual thought but are forced to follow Arthas' will
  • Do not hunger for flesh, grow tired, feel pain
  • Further info will be provided if this flies

    Possible Opt-out:
  • Joshua "freezing" a character's time & turning them to stone
  • Emil's "Meduse gaze" turning them to stone
  • Evacuate to Flora's
  • Yuki Nagato "freezing" the time in a closed-off area

    ...And that's it! What say you? :)

    Poll Riful Plot

    Note: If you picked option 3, please reply to the changes thread with what things you think could be improved, omitted, or altered in some way to make this plot better for everyone involved :)

    And to make everything easier for heroes/participants/villains to get involved, let's make good use of paradisawatch! :) I'll put up as much info as I can in posts there over the next month, so make sure to watch the comm!

  • plot

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