Jan 30, 2011 21:14

Frequently Asked Questions:

Character Questions:

  1. What characters are accepted in this game?
    As this is a panfandom game, we accept all types of characters from the most popular to the most obscure. If you've got a canon to back it up, we'll accept it, even if they were only shown for a few minutes or panels. As long as you have your character and personality down so that they don't consist only of two lines of narration, then you're welcome to play that character on the Pradeda.

  2. What about original or AU characters?
    We're sorry, as of the moment we are not accepting original or alternate characters. We may yet change our mind on the original character aspect, but the only characters we would accept would be if there is a canon justification for it. Roxas and Ventus are two different characters to us, and even Squall and Leon. If both Jack O'Neill and his clone come to play, then it's perfectly fine. However, we will not accept characters from the same canon that just come from different times. If someone is playing twelve year old Naruto, Shippuuden Naruto can not be apped into the game.

  3. What if our character isn't human or is too big to fit into the ship?
    Shape doesn't matter here, although the size does to an extent. If your character is too large for the Pradeda (and it is a small ship), then you may be asked to size your character down. Otherwise, you can play anything-- the ball of fire, Andalite, demon, Autobot, dragon, human centipede... you name it, if you can feasibly play it, we wouldn't say no without a very good explanation.

  4. What about different languages?
    The main language your character speaks is now Universal. Everyone can understand it. Should your character speak more than one language, those languages will be kept the same-- if one character's main language is Japanese, however, and someone else who speaks English as their main language speaks to them in Japanese, character #1 will hear it in the same language. However, anyone listening in will not be able to understand unless they know Japanese as well.
    Characters do not have conscious control over whether they are speaking their main language or "Universal", seeing as that language is one and the same. Should they speak other languages, then it may not be understood by everyone else.

  5. There's something my character needs to survive, though.
    Time does not stop on Prededa. Certain foods and medicines can be synthesized through the kitchen consoles, but if your character needs to devour souls in order to live, then they will continue to need to do so. You're very welcome to ask on an individual basis, but for the most part, if they need medical attention, let's hope we have a doctor on board with us. There's very little in terms of magic that will keep your characters alive unless another character can do it.

  6. What about characters that can summon others?
    If this is the Final Fantasy or Persona version of summoning, then those powers may be locked away for the duration of their stay. However, do include if you really want those abilities in your application, and we may work out a plot reason for them to summon. But remember that the Pradeda is a small ship, and while it is self-repairing, your summons can cause a great deal of damage. You don't want to destroy the ship when you're in deep space and have no way home, do you?
    Small summons such as Pokemon, though, would be allowed; although we would request that you list them all in your application as well, and remember that on the Pradeda, there aren't Pokemon centers or the such... should your summons be damaged, there is little chance of healing.

  7. Does that mean our powers are nerfed?
    No, actually, it doesn't! While summoning may prove to be a problem, if your characters have super-powers, they will continue to have those powers on the ship. If your character is a god... well, obviously we're going to downplay it just a little. You can't leave the ship, and anything your characters do will have in-game consequences. If they can fly, remember, this is a small ship, and flying will most likely result in them hitting more than one thing or breaking something.

  8. My character is a [Doctor/Engineer/Genius] and can easily fix the engines, though.
    Maybe in your own universe, but the A.S. Pradeda is a very advanced and complex ship. Take a few days to relearn the system controls. If your character feels they are knowledgeable enough to tackle the main problems, then by all means, do so. However, we can't guarantee that the results would be what they're expecting.

  9. My character doesn't know anything about technology / shorts out electronics / is infected!
    Then you'll either have to learn from others at the beginning of the game, or stay away from the engine. Remember that your abilities are not nerfed in the game, and that includes disabilities as well. Is your character a carrier of the Green Flu? Please do include that description in your application as... well, that would make things interesting, wouldn't it? We'd love to play out the consequences of just your character's presence with you.

  10. Can I take my character after their death? (Or, my character is dead/injured/dying.)
    There's another thing from us- we would require your character to have a physical body. It doesn't matter if you take them after their canon death so long as they are still 'alive' in the physical sense while aboard the ship. Or take them right before they die and we'll see what the medical bay can do for them. They may recover completely, or they may be sick and injured the entire game. It really depends on what happens.

  11. You said in the premise our characters die when they're dropped. What about hiatus?
    That's really up to you. Whether you want your character to be knocked out for the duration when you're gone, let others godmod them, get lost on the ship... it's your choice, really. You can have other people interact with them while you're away or say that no one's seen your character for all that time. Just come up with an IC reason for them to not say much.

  12. Is there a character limit for applications?
    That is a good question. Yes, there is, actually. We'd like for you to not take more than 4 characters, especially the first months, so that others will be allowed to play in the game as well. As we said before, this game will remain a small one with a 50-60 character cap, and we'd like to give as many people as possible a chance to play. For those with multiple characters, however, and you'd like to drop a few, contact the mods and we'd love to plot out a character death so that others may app as well.

  13. What items can our characters bring in to the ship?
    If you've read the premise, you understand that your character wakes up with nothing on them. But don't fret, the ship isn't that heartless. Your clothing and items that you had on your person will be provided for you in your room. Only what you were carrying, though, and nothing more. If your character was the type to carry an entire arsenal with them, then... you're lucky, aren't you? But remember, don't overdo it. If your character isn't likely to have weapons in their pocket, then they won't have weapons in their pockets.

  14. What about pets? Can our characters bring our pets in?
    Only if your character needs that pet to survive. If not, then no. However, we do have livestock on board, and they're welcome to take some chickens or so as pets. We just hope your character won't get too attached to them if they manage to end up as the dinner menu.

  15. Is there an age limit to this game?
    For the player, we ask that you be over 14 years of age (because, really, that's what LiveJournal suggests for anything that has hints of adult content), and as for in-character... we're going to limit the child characters a bit, because this is a small game, and we don't want the entire cast to turn into children unless it's for an event. This game is a survival game. If your character can't survive, then you'll need to find a character that will take care of them pronto.

  16. Can I bring in characters from previous games?
    Sad as we are to say, that's a no for this game. Because this is such a short game, we would rather the characters not be distracted from previous games and the possibility of knowing characters who don't know them.

  17. On the applications, it says I can provide links for image and history. Does this mean I can provide links for the samples as well?
    Yes, you may! We would, however, still like one piece of fresh sample from you, whether it is the first or third person point of view.

    Game Questions:

  18. What kind of game is this?
    Why, it's a LiveJournal role-playing game, silly. It's a science fiction survival mystery game where your characters are forced to take part and interact to solve the many mysteries and riddles aboard the A.S. Pradeda if they don't want to die.

  19. Wait, you said this is a small ship?
    Yes, that's right. The A.S. Pradeda is not the passenger ship that science fiction horrors like to take place in. It is in fact an escort ship, doubling as something else that your character will be prompted to find out, and while it has a small garden area in the front, the passenger section is actually not much larger than the gardens, just two stories there. Therefore, the rooms are cramped with the feel of living on a spaceship, and there's not a lot of personal space going on.

  20. What's a star-powered engine? This symbiotic relationship you're talking about?
    Ah-ah-ah! You'll have to find that out in the game.

  21. If this technology is so obscure, how are we supposed to fix the ship?
    You'll have a lot of help! Don't worry, you'll find out as the game progresses.

  22. What do you mean by rooms?
    Check the maps section. Once you are accepted into the game, we'd like for you to comment on that post and we'll give you a room and maybe even a roommate. The ship's a small one so rooming together with other people is a very big possibility. You may switch rooms with others if you so choose, but please do leave a comment on that post if you do so that we can make the necessary arrangements.

  23. You mentioned death when talking about dropping?
    Yes. The Pradeda isn't a ship that can revive dead characters, it can only bring people on. If your character dies in-game, then they'd stay dead unless you're doing a plot with someone who can resurrect people. Jesus, for example. But we digress, because character deaths are important in this game, and you may figure out why soon enough.

  24. What if I want to app a dropped character?
    That's fine, whether other people played that character first or you did. But those characters would be different than the original. They wouldn't remember ever being on this ship and would have to form all the relationships over again. For all intents nd purposes, they were brought in from an universe that is very similar to the character who died (although at the beginning of the game, it could just be said that the ship tried to clone them).

  25. You mentioned this being a short game as well.
    Yes! This is a very short game that will span up to four months. That's it. And with the game being much slower than real life to give people time to react to events without having to tag every hour of every day, we've separated this into a 4:1 time basis: meaning, every 4 days in real time is 1 day in-game. That means the duration of this game will be no longer than one month in-game.

  26. What about activity checks if the game is so short?
    We ask that you not sit on your characters and do nothing, but because this game is so short, we won't have actual activity checks. If your characters are going to idle out, please do tell us if you lose inspiration for them after a month. That's what the hiatus form is for. Because of the character cap, we'd like to give other players a chance to play in this game as well.

  27. Why the Aura Star Pradeda?
    It's actually an anagram. If you can solve it, you get cookies. If your character can solve it in-game... well, they'll get a lot more than cookies.

  28. Anagrams? Really?
    Indeed- there's more than anagrams on this ship. Remember this is a survival mystery game and many things here will have more than one meaning to be found out. Puzzles, riddles, math problems, anagrams, and et cetera are the least of it right now.

  29. Being stuck on a spaceship... there has to be things to do, right?
    There is a brightly lit garden at the front of the ship- one with dense trees and even a small waterfall and pond for those who need the greenery, although the ceiling will show the stars outside. There are also various computer games on the ship systems for entertainment and an archive of movies you've never seen before. There are even domestic animals to look after should you choose to (they can look after themselves just fine), and many hidden spots around the ship for your characters to find.

  30. What about food?
    Like this. That's right. Most of your food will be in powder form, and when you mix is properly with water, it will become whatever the packages says it is. Sushi? Been there, done that. Chicken? Sure. Salad? That's a little disturbing, but it's there. Turducken? Absolutely. We have lobster sorbet with poached pears. Of course, you'll have to mix the powders yourself.

    Game Play Mechanics:

  31. How do we communicate with each other in-game?
    Each character given a communications device small enough to pin on their clothes, or keep in their pockets. Be careful not to lose it- if you do, you'll either have to haggle with the computers to find another one, or be without one for the rest of the game. If you're lucky, maybe another character will share with you. These communicators are audio only and all messages are automatically broadcasted to everyone unless you specify who you want to talk to.
    Each room on the Pradeda with the exception of sleeping quarters and hallways are equipped with various computers that do video calls. Those are projected to the room people are in and not to their specific communicator, since every room with be equipped with projection cells. Those computers can also track a person's movement on the ship in case of emergencies. Every door on this ship is sealed airtight (this is a spaceship, people) in case of oxygen failure, and thus each room contains the proper equipment to broadcast to the rest of the ship whatever areas need to be contained.

  32. What about computers? We're on a spaceship, after all.
    You're right, and all the devices in rooms can be used as computers. You can add to the ship's log archives, make journal entries... if those are private, you just post them in your own journals and link others if you are 'hacked'. If it's not meant to be private, then everyone will be able to see it because it should be posted on the network community with 'blog' in the title.

  33. Wait, so what does that mean for me?
    It means that all calls made through the computer will be network posts- therefore, it will be posted in the main community, pradeda. Any face to face interactions should be posted on the log community, pradeda_logs, even if it isn't a third person log, but an action post instead.

  34. Should we tag our entries?
    Yes! Please do, so that if you need to find what you've tagged and what you've posted, it'll be easier. All tags are to have character name to them if you're tagging someone else's response or in the log community, and if you're posting on the network community, you add a star in front of your character name. For example, *GLaDOS for posting, and just GLaDOS if you're responding to a post. Please tag all the posts you respond in! ALSO, please tag your entires with what day it is in-game, such as †DAY 01. You can also wait for the mods to post a day update and select that tag to use.

  35. I said this before, but my character shorts out electronics!
    The Pradeda is pretty resilient, but we'd still recommend to stay with another character who might be able to hold your communicators for you or making your posts for you. Working around it is what makes that character interesting, isn't it?

Game Profile
Setting/Premise || Background || FAQ || Maps
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