DAY 01
-New arrivals on the ship
-System restoration in progress
-Death of crewman Letalis
Day 02
-Information on failing engines
-Escape pod room inaccessable
-Pradeda is sitting in front of a black hole
Day 03
-One of the locked laboratories is open!
-Environmental controls get wonky and very cold
-Ghosts appear to repair the ship
-GLaDOS uploaded
Day 04
-Impact with the ship!
-Loses a good amount of star panels, switching to back-up power
-Ghosts get more solid/
-Start of some sort of countdown
Day 05
-Ghosts take on faces of loved ones
-Crew death
-Computer starts sounding a little... off.
Game Profile Setting/Premise ||
Background ||
FAQ ||
Maps Reserves ||
Applications ||
Taken ||
Hiatus/Drop Game History ||