Introduction / Setting

Jan 30, 2011 21:13

The first thing you see when you open your eyes is a sheen of green that you've never encountered before. What is this? Where is this? As you move your hands, you realize that you're encased in a thick liquid of some kind- there is a mask on your face helping you breathe and you're wearing only enough to protect your dignity. However, before panic can set in your sluggish brain, the green liquid begins to drain to allow more freedom of movement. Soon enough the wall in front of you opens and deposits you, dressed only in what seems like a soaked hospital gown, onto the floor to test your unresponsive limbs.

The room is cold with mists swirling the floor and a section of the wall frozen over. When you can stand again, you follow the path down to the only door before you. Should you look back, you'll notice the pod that once held you is once again closed, and should you attempt to open any of the others, they won't budge. There are names on some of the pods. Names that may or may not be familiar to you.

Exit the room to find yourself in a central hub of some kind. You have just awoken from cryo-sleep, and from here you may either explore to your heart's content, or figure out the computer systems enough to make a call and see who comes to help you.

There are others on the ship as well, all of whom have woken here in the same manner as you. All you know is that this is not where you're supposed to be, and that you're in space. Deep space. How did you end up here? There are numbers on the screen of the bridge, constantly changing. Yet you don't know what it means.

This is the Aura Star Pradeda, a state of the art symbiotic ship with a star-powered engine. The ship has been abandoned and is in a wreck, yet still functional thanks to the self-repairing systems. All evidence suggests that you may be one of the original crew, and yet your memories say otherwise.

What's going on? You'll have to figure that out, and something tells you that time is ticking away.

Ad Astra...

Welcome to the Aura Star Pradeda, the beautiful colonial escort ship and the latest line of Meliora ships on the market- sleek, self-repairing, and nearly sentient. Nearly. Like all Meliora ships, the A.S. Pradeda maintains a fully symbiotic relationship with its crew- one must have the other in order to function in deep space. In space, nothing is wasted and the Pradeda is one to recycle everything from energy to human refuse.

Your character wakes up in the Pradeda with everything provided for them- clothing, food, and a place to sleep. It soon becomes clear that they are here to repair the ship after something terrible happened to it. But how do you repair a ship like this when half the doors are locked and the technology is like nothing you've ever seen before?

This is an extremely short, proactive survival panfandom roleplay with a 4:1 time basis (four real life days to one in-game day) that will last through the summer. It may hold some darker elements and no, your character will not revive if they should die. On the Pradeda, death is death and has the same consequences as anywhere else. You don't take a break, you don't revive. If your character dies, they stay dead unless you re-app or someone else takes control of them and then they're assumed to come from an alternate universe.

This game also has a 50-60 player cap, depending on how busy things get. This is because the Pradeda is a small ship and thus can only support a certain amount of people. Life support is already on the fringe and too many people may destroy the air filters completely.

We cannot stress enough that this is a proactive game. Players are encouraged to bring in their own plots amongst the central story, and to do it fast as early in the game is when there might be time for it. The closer to the ending, the faster the central plot will start running.

All characters are highly encouraged to explore and sign up to trigger events. There will be an in-game daily event that most can choose to participate in, and several events that will involve all the characters. Remember that in-game actions will have in-game consequences, and on Pradeda, those consequences can be quite severe and even alter the ending of the game.

Each and every one of you is important to the ship through the symbiotic bond, so be careful where you step.

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