I knew that the bad weather drifting across the plains states was going to hit us last night. Still, it was a surprising view out my front window this morning. Keep in mind that it was 70 degrees outside just a few days ago.
Our television died last night. I'm guessing that it got tired of showing political coverage and committed seppuku. I can't say that I blame it
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... I've decided to totally ignore it for awhile and post some pictures of the Michigan Renaissance Festival that my family and I went to this weekend.
You're killing me here. Once again, you're about to screw the pooch, because you simply do not understand why McCain chose Sarah Palin for his VP, why she is dangerous to your party and how on earth to handle her
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...but now after being home for a couple of days, I finally have enough energy to whine about it.
So my mom has all these convoluted health problems, and she's been going to the Mayo Clinic for about three years now since no one else seems able to untangle what's specifically wrong with her at any given time.
I think this picture of my daughter sums up my feelings on the current presidential candidates and the press that insists on covering them 24/7. ( Read more... )