WilyWars Timeline - December 2090 (2005 IRL)

Jan 07, 2008 18:56

December 1
Cole gets shot. Quint has to help with first aid since she can't go to a hospital. (note: This is actually played out on the tenth and further, but I'm fudging the time a bit so we can say the files were tested on Time and Oil. Blame it on the Nexus. ;) )

December 2
Someone in the Nexus talks about misconceptions. Ballade is more interested in their wings.

Adapting some of the Beast Wars tech for use in Robot Master systems is finished, and Quint waits in one of his hiding places to give the appropriate files to Enker. Some of the data would be tested using Time and Oil, and eventually be used for Zero.

December 4
Quint chats with MST3K's Crow.

December 5
Quint sees a ghost!Robin in the Nexus and tries to help, but that Robin is too scared of that world's Raven and flees. (Some time muddle here, so I put it under the date of the earlier of the two posts)

December 6
A RockOpera!Blues oneshot is a little disturbing for both Blues and Proto.

Timeman is activated and makes his first appearance in the Nexus.

Plant is still embarrassed by how she acted while drunk, and would still like to learn to knit.

And Snake thinks a baby Midgar Zolom is adorable.

December 7
Crystal asks a question in the Hub. So does Elec, though his is about Roll's recent behavior.

((Update to Elec's Journal))

December 8
Another Nexus visit from Chibiverse!Blues.

((Updates to Blues' Journal, Quint's Journal))

December 9
Timeman finds out why he's the odd one out among a group of industrial designs. And doesn't like the news at all.

((Update to Ballade's Journal, Quint's Journal))

December 10
((Update to Forte's Journal))

December 11
Nexus Events and talking to her younger brothers has Roll confused. She tries to sort out what to do, the situation made even more confusing when Time considers trying to solve things by wiping them all out of existance. After a journal update she ends up having a talk with Dr. Light about the whole mess ((Last post is both misdated (like a lot of early journal entries -_-; ) and unfinished))

((Update to Quint's Journal

December 12
Forte meets Timeman and an alternate of Mega. And is a jerk to both, no surprise. Elec's not amused by anyone picking on Time, and Quint finds himself unable to behave around an alt of Mega.

Forte gets a bit of karmic payback when he returns to the Castle, courtesy of Crash and Quick. Both Quick and Crash are sent back to the Gallery over the resulting mess. (Note: This is the 'Tapioca Incident' and was never played out due to the loss of our original player for Crash. The current mun has no clue exactly what was planned for that ton of tapioca, other than it involved Forte, so it seems this will never clearly be known now.)

Blues gets a message from Proto about Quint (see his journal entry) and replies to it.

((Updates to Blues' Journal, Punk's Journal, Quint's Journal, Snake's Journal, Plant's Journal))

December 13
Elec finds out why in some universes the Alphas are still with the Lights... and decides those universes can keep it. A few others talk to the latest Rock alt as well.

((Updates to Elec's Journal, Rock's Journal, Blues' Journal, Forte's Journal))

December 14
Roll talks to Pitch about cooking.

Is hell endothermic or exothermic. Who knows...

December 15
Roll decides some distance might help her sort out what to do, and moves out for a while. She ends up staying in another universe and teaching Pitch how to cook.

Blues spots Proto in the Nexus and stops to chat.

There's an odd question from Patience in the Hub.

((Update to Quint's Journal))

December 16
Rock starts checking the Nexus for any clues as to where Roll went.

((Updates to Roll's Journal, Elec's Journal, Rock's Journal, Blues' Journal, Quint's Journal))

December 17
Pitch makes pancakes while Roll talks to that universe's Mega.

Rock and Blues both answer a question.

Blues thinks a good holiday gift for Proto is to make sure the kid has backup the next time he gets into a mess.

An X asks a semi-nonsensical question, and gets an equally odd answer from Ballade.

((Update to Blues' Journal, Quint's Journal))

December 18
The younger alt of Kalinka is in the Nexus again.

Punk talks to Vile.

Elec talks to Cartoonverse!Mega.

Rock talks to Cartoon!Mega. It doesn't go well.

While he's gone, Patience shows up at the Light Residence in Neo Tokyo to ask Dr. Light some questions.

Ballade encounters Santa Claus, which in turn prompts him to ask a couple questions in the Nexus as he searches for fun things to do with coal.

And Quint gives a predictable answer to a question from an alternate of X.

((Update to Quint's Journal))

December 20
The younger Kalinka is in the Nexus again, asking about presents. Plant, Roll, Ballade, and Quint all talk to her.

Ballade, meanwhile, is very happy about the idea of getting coal for the holidays.

((Updates to Ballade's Journal, Snake's Journal))

December 21
Quint meets and talks to a Dr. Cain. He finds out about the virus, and is given some files about it. (There's also some annoyance from a Dr. Light here. I'd wonder how the hell would he even know about Zero to butt in like that, but - It's an Asshat!Blues pup, so of course they're metagaming out their ass. 9.9 )

Shadow meets a Boomer Kuwanger on the latter's first trip into the Nexus. He's only wandering through the Nexus to find Forte, who'd been AWOL and had his comm off when Wily had wanted him to go on a raid.

As it turned out, Forte, as well as Plant, Snake, Ballade, and Quint, were at a Winter Solstice party. Ballade managed to remain undiscovered, but Plant and Snake had to escort Forte and Patience to Skull Castle in time for Zero to be activated. Zero was them ordered to destroy Forte, but Forte, Gospel, and Patience all managed to escape.

Plant and Snake were also punished for attending the party, though they hadn't actually disobeyed to do so.

Elec talks to Cartoon!Mega again, and finds out he's been talking to Rock - very ineffectively.

There's a very creepy Mary Sue in the Nexus. Ballade remains oblivious to the creature's nature, while Blues thinks it might be evidence that hell has frozen over when the twisted one-shot wanders off with Perv!Sigma.

Ballade is also easily confused by Scrooged characters, but at least he got a book out of it.

((Updates to Roll's Journal, Elec's Journal, Rock's Journal, Blues' Journal, Ballade's Journal))

December 22
Ballade finds a random lost sock in the Nexus.

Forte and Gospel end up deactivated in the Nexus. Ballade pokes him with a stick until Quint arrives and takes him to Waspinator's to be put in the CR there.

Meanwhile, Zero is in the Nexus, asking about kinds of shampoo. He meets Boomer Kuwanger, and is accosted by a pervert alternate of Sigma.

((Updates to Punk's Journal, Quint's Journal))

December 23
Ballade spots Tinkerbell in the Nexus, who, being sparkly, gets his attention easily.

Forte heads to the Hub, meets up with Patience, and they end up going to Shido's. Forte will end up living in the basement there for a while.

He falls asleep again there, having a few program errors as he recovers from breaking First Law. Blues drops by to chat about that.

Zero's in the Nexus again, confused because Pervert!Sigma called him a 'reploid', a term that doesn't exist at that point in WW!History. He meets an Axl and hears some more things about possible futures that he doesn't like the sound of very much.

As a result, he starts asking anyone who seems to know something about the Maverick Hunters, as he can't understand why he'd be one in the future.

Punk responds to an odd question about what effect the Nexus No Violence Field would have on a mosh pit.

((Update to Ballade's Journal))

December 24
Roll sees a very strange version of Dr. Light in the Nexus.

Having heard so far that his future selves have lost their memories, that none of the Robot Masters have survived, and that future Zeros work for the government and are friends with a Lightbot, Zero sees absolutely nothing about the future that he'd like to have happen. And so, he decides he won't let it. He also meets a Dynamo, and promptly asks him what shampoo he uses. He also sees a large dog named Mouse, and has some cookies.

Snake asks about pet names.

The Nexus continues to have the occasional wierd question.

((Updates to Zero's Journal, Elec's Journal, Blues' Journal, Ballade's Journal, Snake's Journal))

December 25
Quint mentions having three more siblings as the best present of the year.

When Zero finds out that snowballs are not stopped by the No Violence Field, Elec starts a snowball fight in the Nexus.

There's some trading of presents before Roll goes to try to spend some time in the Nexus. She gets involved in the snowball fight, and spends some time talking to the younger Kalinka.

Ballade is very happy to have gotten a whole quarter ton of coal.

Zero finds Boomer Kuwanger to give him a present. He also keeps eating food handed out by people in the Nexus, and yet - amazingly - hasn't been LOLed yet..

((Updates to Roll's Journal, Rock's Journal, Blues' Journal, Punk's Journal, Quint's Journal, Forte's Journal, Plant's Journal))

December 26
Runaways!Wind shows up in the Nexus, with a 'present' for Runaways!Air that turns out to be what's left of that universe's Elec in a shoebox. He attracts the usual lynch mob, but all they manage to do is cover him in tar and holiday ornaments.

Blues takes Quint and Leader-1 on a little trip to the ruins of the third Skull Castle... where they find a not-quite-finished Wilybot hidden away.

((Updates to Roll's Journal, Snake's Journal))

December 27
Zero talks to Dynamo again.

And Plant is frightened by a giant anthro bee.

((Updates to Quint's Journal, Plant's Journal))

December 28
Forte's still not coping all that well, and stops by the Nexus.

Blues talks to Proto about various things.

((Updates to Zero's Journal, Elec's Journal, Blues' Journal))

December 29
Pitch gets armor, prompting comments from both Elec and Roll. Elec particularly is not happy about this.

December 30
Quint gives a very predictable answer to a random nexus question.

And Zero meets another Axl.

((Updates to Roll's Journal, Elec's Journal))

December 31
Quint tries to ask a technical question in the Nexus, but doesn't get much help. (There's some wank here from an anonymouse. The post is about average for good Nexus posts, and I've seen lots longer, but once it was behind a cut there were almost no replies.) He asks in the Hub as well, and tells Cole what he knows about what's going to happen before they go home. (The last post is off-date due to THNMY)

And Zero meets a Dr. Doppler.

((Update to Blues' Journal))

(There's also an OOC post from Zero on Dear Mun.)


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