Title: Paved with Dirt Rating: PG Category: Gen Character(s): Shishido, with a side of Ohtori and Atobe. Disclaimer: Do not own or claim to own. Summary: Arrogance got him here. Pride will get him out.
Rating: PG-13, for language Genre: Gen. Theme: Comfort Notes: theme lifted from the 1sentence. Spoilers for the Hyoutei part of Nationals. Summary: Everyone copes in different ways. Full of boys being dumb, as well as some swearing, punching, and hair cutting.
Title: Fall Into You Author: esrafil Rating: G Pairing: Ohtori+Hiyoshi Notes: Future!AU timeline, about ten years after canon. This turned out really gen. Written with nyuu_kon and sharona1x2 in mind; it ended up longer than I expected, so I hope you don't mind sharing? ♥ to you both for loving both characters as much as I do.