In the two tours, I'm still not done with Tokyo yet. So much to see so little time. This time round I get to visit Ueno park. Walking over from Yanaka, I notice how certain buildings were either converted into museums or coffee houses if not actual shops that had been there for a long time.
For all the open space out there, everybody is hiding in the shade on account of the heatwave. Mostly I'm just wandering around.
Of the various shrines in Ueno I had visited, Hanazono Inari Shrine amused me.
I'm still early for reular opeing hours I think, since Shrine staff and priests were sweeping and cleaning up the place (And thereby providing anime moment sans Miko outfit)
And then there is this huge crow at one of the washing area, drinking away.
When it realised that I was shooting it, it immediately hop onto the post and began to wash its face before staring at me. I had to call out and thank the crow for a shot or three. Yeah I called it 'kirei' and said 'agrigato' for the shots. I keep running into crows on my trip sometimes. They expect things from me but never really bother me otherwise.
Finally reaching Shinobazu Pond, Huge lotus pond is huge. the place kinda reminds me of Ranma 1/2 manga. But that was in another part of town.