Title: Scribbles and lifting pencils Pairing: Hyukhae Rating: G Summary: Donghae finds Hyukjae writing something in his room (which Hyukjae doesn't really do very often)
Title: Good morning to you (but good night to me) Author: xoxo_nat_xx Pairing: Eunhyuk/Donghae; Heechul/Eunhyuk Rating: PG Summary: It’s about going along with your desires and accomplishing them, because he’s still young. He can afford to be immature, to commit mistakes, and so he waits.
Title: There are uncertainties in the world (and you are one of them) Author: xoxo_nat_xx Pairing: Hyukjae/Donghae, Donghae/Eunhyuk Ratings: PG-13 Summary: Hyukjae gives, even though the other only knows who Eunhyuk is.
Title: The line between reality and fantasy Author: xoxo_nat_xx Pairing: Haehyuk Ratings: PG-13 Summary: Donghae thinks love is like bubble wrap; it encases the other entirely within it, without being too tight, nor controlling, and it allows the other to feel the lightness and fluffy feeling love brings about.
Title: Developing Conversations Author: xoxo_nat_xx Pairing: Haehyuk Ratings: PG-13 Warnings: Dub-con Summary: Anything can happen during college, and two minds belonging to two entirely different people starts to twine around each other, forming a completion at the end.
Title: Workings of the mind Author: xoxo_nat_xx Pairing: Yesung/Ryeowook Ratings: PG Summary: There’s this special bond between him and Yesung, and Ryeowook cherishes it, because it feels unique, out of the world type, and Ryeowook feels like it can develop into something better.