Master Prompt List 2012

Feb 17, 2012 20:20

About time we had a master prompt list for 2012, and here it is...

14 January
1 Scenario: a narrow escape
2 Backpfeifengesicht
3 Setting: a lunar eclipse (you choose the planet)
4 Painted Moon (or this picture)
5 Song: Marillion: Market Square Heroes
6 Song: Cruxshadows: Coming Home

21 January
1 Freefall
2 Setting: a court-martial
3 Scenario: meeting a new team
4 Master List Prompt
5 The Shimmer
6 Beginning: I guess I never did understand him, after all.

28 January
1 Jack of all trades, master of none
2 Elevation
3 Wingspan
4 Scenario: two characters go on a quest
5 Setting: a Quintesson prison
6 'I gave you everything, but it wasn't enough'

4 February
1 Mistakes
2 Flying
3 Scenario: Why can't we just start over?
4 Empty inside
5 A realization
6 Song: Within Temptation - Our Farewell

11 February
1. A necessary lie
2. Asexuality
3. Task: choose a character you don't usually write, and write a monologue from that character's POV about their lives.
4. Scenario: preparing for battle
5. Setting: the gutters of Cybertron
6. 2010 Master List of Prompts. Please indicate the date of the prompt you selected.

18 February
1 White feather
2 "Have fun with your empty base and raging insanity!" (Agent Washington, Red Vs Blue)
3 Lava
4 A stolen moment
5 Scenario: What's behind that door that shouldn't be opened?
6 Song: Bounce by Bon Jovi

03 March
1 Something in us has, would, wants and will.
2 You get what you deserve.
It’s getting bright outside.
Nothing’s like before.
A few become many.
And they become more.
3 Part of the Plan
4 Everything that feels bad is wrong.
Everything that feels good is right.
5 Less than five seconds
6 …but alive

10 March
1 Master List 2010 Prompt
2 Setting: a bar at closing time
3 Picking up the pieces
4 Etched
5 "You love us when we're heroes, home on leave,
Or wounded in a mentionable place." (after Siegfried Sassoon)
6 Song: Good Charlotte - Ghost of You

17 March
1 Master List 2011 Prompt
2 Attitude
3 Life is brutal!
4 Scenario - seeking redemption
5 This image
6 Song: Amanda Jenssen - Happyland

24 March
1 A Picture
2 Dizzy
3 First Place
4 Master List 2010 Prompt
5 Nuke it from orbit
6 Stalker

31 March
1 Setting: A crowded waiting room
2 Missed connections
3 A Picture (or the title of the pic ;) )
4 Scenario: discovering a lie
5 Song: Headstrong by Trapt
6 Storm

07 April
1 Autobot
2 Gluttony
3 Cybertronians aren't evil - just nervous and armed.
4 "Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you'll be able to see farther." - J. P. Morgan
5 "Good enough never is." - Debbi Fields
6 Song: Of Monsters And Men - Little Talks

14 April
Erotica theme day
1 Challenge: make the unsexy sexy. Choose an aspect of TFs that you don't think of as particularly sexy - not something you actively dislike, but something that you haven't given much thought to before. Now, write it like it's the hottest thing your character(s) can imagine.
2 Scenario: intimacy in a confined space. Any kind of intimacy - physical, emotional, psychological, up to you.
3 Scenario: lovers against adversity. Two (or more) characters who pursue a relationship despite the fact they're really not meant to.
4 Inebriated. Let's have some tipsy fumbling ;)

21 April
1 Task: Backstory. Pick a character and tell us a story from that character's life before the war.
2 Missed rendezvous
3 Pinned down
4 Master List Prompt
5 Setting: public transportation
6 Song: Mad World by Tears for Fears

28 April
1 The factory
2 Setting: watching or participating in an extreme sport. May be of human, Cybertronian or other alien invention or custom. Let your imagination go wild!!
3 “Better late than never!”
4 Choose an event from any continuity, any episode, and write short journal extracts or reports (a couple of hundred words or so) about the experience of it from the POV of more than one character.
5 “This is as far as I go ....”
6 A Picture

05 May
Resurrection day - prompts from Sat 19th June 2010
1 - The first prompt is a little different and pretty complex.
You can take the song, the video, the meaning behind, the philosophy of the book (or any quote of it) etc…
Just take a look at the links if you want to. :)
Also sprach Zarathustra / Thus spoke Zarathustra

image Click to view

For inspiration and explanation go here: Thus spoke Zarathustra (Friedrich Nietzsche)
You can read the book online: here
Here about the music: Also sprach Zarathustra - Richard Strauss
And, somehow related (especially to the next two prompts) this: 2001: A Space Odyssey
2 - "This conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." - HAL 9000
3 - A Picture
4 - Technical assistance required
5 - Task - Choose a character you wouldn't usually write about, and describe a small moment of triumph in their life. What happens? What makes it such a good thing? Does it have any lasting impact?
6 - Deception

12 May
1 Flick
2 Engaged
3 Roadkill
4 A perfect storm
5 Scenario: a character's lies are found out.
6 Setting: inside a cityformer (doesn't have to be a canon cityformer, we're OC-friendly around here).

19 May
1 Setting: In a spaceport bar
2 A Picture
3 Decrypted
4 Unexpected Side Effects
5 Master List Prompt (2011)
6 Mirrors

26 May
1 Premonition
2 "For I will take and you will give, and you will die so that I might live…" (Inspired by Pink Floyd song: 'Dogs of War')
3 Prison Break
4 Write a story which ends: "I don't know where we go from here, but I have a new found hope…"
5 Write a diary entry by any character, any faction which reveals a secret admiration for another character, again anyone from any faction.
6 The Jacuzzi

2 June
1 "True friends stab you in the front." - Oscar Wilde
2 Bored to tears
3 Pandora's box
4 A Picture
5 Task - Write one character from the viewpoints of three separate characters (can be in the first, second or third person, you choose)
6 Song: Drowning Pool - Reborn

9 June
1. Ocean
2. Setting: a deserted public place at night.
3. Under observation
4. 'Saint: a dead sinner revised and edited', attributed to Ambrose Bierce
5. This image (Baltic Sea Illumination by Karezoid on DA).
6. Scenario: in the company of empties.

16 June
1 Promises broken
2 Hearsay
3 Scenario - there's a single Combaticon, Protectobot, Cassetticon, or Dinobot somewhere in the scenery. And this is kind of an important fact.
4 2011 Master List Prompt
5 Scenario: stranded
6 Phobias and fears

23 June
1 Setting: Thick Fog
2 "You're not exactly making this easy..."
3 A character reveals a guilty secret, something which still makes them uncomfortable - through whatever means. e.g. in a diary, or to another character, or even during interrogation.
4 Going on a short vacation.
5 "Crash landing"
6 A Picture

30 June
1 Clouds
2 Stratosphere
3 Clouded mind
4 Setting: in the sky
5 Scenario: something that seemed worse at first than it really was
6 A Picture

7 July
1. Challenge: write a flashfic (300 to 500 words) focusing on an interaction between a character of your choice and the leader of the opposite faction.
2. Glitter & Gold by Rebecca Ferguson.

image Click to view

3. Challenge: choose a character. Your character has been reformatted (groundframe to airframe, triple changer to gestalt, whatever you like), what is their first day like in their new frame?
4. Learning to forget.
5. Setting: inside a mountain.
6. Action and reaction.

14 July
1 Hanging fire
2 Danger close
3 Combat jack - (there's a less NSFW definition also, which means to steal something from another unit bc you're going into combat and need it. So you might combat (hi)jack someone else's radio batteries or body armor).
4 SWAG: Scientific Wild-Ass Guess
5 Mobility kill
6 Shithammer
(Please click the date link for more info on the prompts.)

21 July
1. 'I am a road and I know where I'm going to', from 'Road', The Trees.
2. Room for growth.
3. 'I will be the one to make you crawl', from 'Infra Red', Placebo.
4. Challenge: defection. Choose a character. They've defected, explore why.
5. 'Night time is my time for just reminiscing, regretting instead of forgetting with somebody else', from 'Love me or Leave Me', Nina Simone.
6. Scenario: wrongly imprisoned.

28 July
1 Murpy’s law
2 Setting: In the washracks
3 Scenario: Being depressed
4 A Picture
5 Combination
6 A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. - Ingrid Bergman

11 August
1 Scenario - trying to find old friends and enemies (like running a Google search on high school names or an ex)
2 If you ever leave me...
3 Challenge: not every prompt is verbal or visual. Close your eyes, turn around twice, and reach out blindly to touch whatever's closest. The feel is the prompt.
4 *Scenario: Bird Watching
(could be organic birds, cyber-birds or war-birds, etc.)
5 Sit. Stay. Kill.
6 'Afterism(n) -- A concise, clever statement you don't think of until too late.' -- John Alexander Thom

18 August
1. "If a kiss was a raindrop, I'd send you showers... If a hug was a minute, I'd send you hours... If a smile was water, I'd send you a sea... If you need a friend, I'll send you me!" Thanks to lily_vendrem
2. Alter-ego
3. The definition of family: Thanks to dragondancer515
4. 'Fire in the Hole.'
5. 'There's something out there ...."'6. Choose from this Master prompts list.

25 August
#1 It'd be inhumane if they were human
#2 Scenario; Visiting a place you haven't been for a very long time.
#3 Pyrotechnics.
#4 Famous last words.
#5 Master List Prompt (2012)
#6 Song: Poets of the Fall - The Ultimate Fling

01 September
#1 Setting: training/boot camp/etc
#2 Pulling gees
#3 Task: mythology! What sorts of myths/religious stories do Cybertronians have?
#4 A Picture
#5 Blue moon
#6 Song: VNV nation: space and time

15 September
#1 "They're all dead. They just don't know it yet ..." Eric Draven: The Crow.
#2 I'm only gonna say this once. RUN!!
#3 The Secret Place
#4 Scenario: A river bank
#5 "The worst job I ever had ..."
#6 Scenario: recovering from an illness.

21 September
#1 Go through the Master List of Prompts 2010.
#2 Schwellenangst - (German, n.) Fear embarking on something new; fear of crossing a threshold.
#3 Go through the Master List of Prompts 2011.
#4 sturmfrei - (German, adj.) lit. “stormfree”; the freedom of not being watched by a parent of superior; being alone at a place and having the ability to do whatever you want.
#5 Go through the Master List of Prompts 2012.
#6 aischrolatry - (Greek, n.) the love or worship of smut.

29 September
#1 doublecross
#2 weird science
#3 Scenario: a vision or hallucination
#4 Setting: outside a spacecraft
#5 A Picture
#6 “It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace.” Chuck Palahniuk, Diary

06 October
#1 Setting: a dirty old bar on the wrong side of town.
#2 Scenario: visiting Iacon for the first time.
#3 Challenge: choose a character or pairing that you write/like a lot and write a mirrorverse/Shattered Glass version.
#4 Scenario: settling in to a new home.
#5 Humming an old song
#6 Scenario: finding a relic

13 October
#1 Write a story in which, at some point, somebody says: “I’m sorry things haven’t turned out the way you wanted.”
#2 “Big fish in a small pond.”
#3 A character gets sent somewhere which makes them distinctly uncomfortable. This can be because it holds bad memories, creeps them out, is a favourite spot for attack by enemies, etc. No limit on subject matter! Describe the experience.
#4 And conversely - a character gets sent somewhere that makes them incredibly happy. For whatever reason. Describe the experience.
#5 "History always repeats.”
#6 A Picture

20 October
#1 Countdown to liftoff
#2 Scenario: a character and his worst enemy/grudge are trapped together (handcuffed, maybe? In jail? stuck on a derelict spaceship? Something else?)
#3 Task: Borrowed title: take the title of a song, movie, book, whatever and turn it into the title and inspiration for a story.
#4 Definitive action
#5 Setting: a balcony overlooking a city
#6 Song: Break Me Down by Red

Spam Weekend, 27 October
#1 Setting: In a graveyard at midnight
#2 Scenario: strange noises at 2am
#3 Scenario: A practical joke with a Halloween theme that doesn't turn out exactly as planned.
#4 "The Other Side." (As in a supernatural sense)
#5 "Creepy Critters."
#6 danse macabre
#7 Challenge: take an urban legend and write a TF version.
#8 sexy costume
#9 dead bodies
#10 monstrous transformations
#11 'That cold ain’t the weather, that’s death approaching.' - 30 Days of Night (2007)
#12 Grimaces/Deformed Faces
#13 Task: Take your favorite Halloween horror movie monster (vampires, Frankenstein's monster, zombies, witches, etc) and create a Transformer-ized version.

03 November
#1 Blue for you
#2 Master List 2011 Prompt
#3 Master List 2012 Prompt
#4 Scenario: receiving an anonymous gift
#5 Just another cog in the machine.
#6 Setting: the ruins of an ancient civilisation

10 November
1. Therapy
2. Happy hunting!
3. Scenario: a very embarrassing situation
4. “Why don’t you look where you’re going?”
5. Insomnia
6. (As it is said in aviation circles) “Any landing you walk away from is a good one.”

17 November
1 - Modified
2 Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real. - Tupac Shakur
3 Yesterday
4 Tomorrow
5 Setting: On stage
6 Behind the curtains

!master list of prompts

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