list of things

Oct 03, 2020 11:11

Herro! I'm Rei :D I suffer from constant Donna withdrawal. Not that I'd like to be cured.

Multi-chapter fics

A haunted house, Donna? Pshawww! - 3 parts - horror!, holidayfic
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The Doctor tries to prove to her that it's just a stereotype....and fails.
Warning: some creepy jazz goin' on

The Best Possible Outcome - collabish with donna_decem  , ongoing/incomplete
Rating: PG
Summary: "Every possible outcome of every event defines or exists in its own 'history' or 'world'. There is a very large-perhaps infinite-number of universes, and everything that could possibly have happened in our past, but didn't, has occurred in the past of some other universe or universes." -- The many-worlds interpretation

Trading Spaces - incomplete - humor, fluff, friendship
Rating: PG
Summary: Donna '08 and Donna '78 swap places in time.

One-shots (otherwise the "crap, this is all I can do while school is going on" series)

Copyright, Donna Noble - hurt/comfort
Rating: PG
Summary: Donna constantly has strange dreams, so she writes about them.

You - friendship, fluff
Rating: PG
Summary: Donna remembers and makes a choice.

Just a pint or two...or three...or eight - humor, friendship, fluff
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Oh god, not another drunk Doctor fic!

Gone - angst
Rating: PG
Summary: A take on what's happened to our Handy while the Doctor takes Donna away from the universe.

Here - angst, fluff, friendship
Rating: PG
Summary: Just a little catchin' up and a coming of age needing to be done. - a Sequel to Gone

Who You Used To Be - angst, hurt/comfort, friendship
Rating: PG
Summary: Post JE- the Doctor finds it hard to keep away from her even when he really should.

The Spaceman Game - angst, friendship
Rating: G
Summary: based off the irritation of the book The Doctor Trap.

A Wrinkle in Time - angst, fluff, friendship, romance
Rating: PG
Summary: Sophie Temple-Noble meets the Doctor.


iPod Challenge Meme: Shuffled Memories (10 ficlets) - multi genre

Lost in Translation - humor
Rating: G
Warning: Translator might or might not be necessary!

Safe - fluff
Rating: G
Warning: like the title, it's safe unless you're allergic to cuddling.

Backseat Driver - angst
Rating: G
Warning: Journey's End spoiler

Ficlet Series: When Other Things Need Saving

When Other Things Need Saving - humor, fluff
Rating: G
Summary: The Doctor is a ditz when he's in love.

Pointless Questions Game - humor
Rating: PG
Summary: The Doctor and Donna play a game while stuck in another prison cell.

Meme Prompted Drabbles:

Secret Setting - humor
Prompt: Donna & Sonic Screwdriver
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Gutter brain'd thinking

What Sound - humor
Prompt: Doctor (10.2) & Ood Sigma
Rating: G
Warning: crack?

Fanleks - humor
Prompt: Yunho (kpopstar) & a Dalek
Rating: PG
Warning: more crack

Doctor Whoodle - humor
Prompt: Doctor Who & Sesame Street
Rating: G
Warning: Afraid of Elmo?

Hair - fluff
Prompt: Donna & Amy Pond
Rating: PG
Warning: girl/girl relationship goin' on

Strictly For Mission Purposes - humor
Prompt: River & Rory
Rating: G
Warning: Probably portraying characters incorrectly

Doctor Who: The MSN Series

The Runaway Bride - humor
Rating: PG-13 bordering R for explicit language and suggestive themes
Warning: Cursing, saucy remarks and internet lingo

The Unicorn and the Wasp - humor
Rating: PG-13 bordering R for explicit language and suggestive themes
Warning: Cursing, saucy remarks and internet lingo

The drawboard was moved off this journal, but if you're interested in a doodle, you can find the same exact one right hurr

ficlist may not be up to date, but the "fanfiction" tag should have everything.
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