Title: Baby Blue: Part 1
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: PG-13 - NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own anybody, only the words are mine....
Summary: It was only ever meant to be about sex...their relationship is just convenient, as long as it doesn't affect their friendship or their work there's no problem with it, right? But just how long can they carry on that way?
A/N: A lot of the chapters are rated NC-17 as a precaution since I'm bad at rating, and I don't want anyone to get a shock if I rate them too low!
Chapter 1: NC-17 Chapter 2: NC-17 Chapter 3: PG-15 Chapter 4: PG-13 Chapter 5: NC-17 Chapter 6: NC-17 Chapter 7: NC-17 Chapter 8: NC-17 Chapter 9: NC-17 Chapter 10: NC-17 Chapter 11: PG-13 Chapter 12: NC-17 Chapter 13: PG-15 Chapter 14: NC-17 Chapter 15: PG-15 Chapter 16: NC-17 Chapter 17: NC-17 Chapter 18: NC-17