Master Fic List & Fic Recs by T&C Authors and Members

Jul 01, 2007 14:17

Recently we asked the authors here to post links to their fiction. This post is to consolidate all the links into one easy to read list, posted as a link in our sidebar. Please feel free to add your list here and I will edit this post. Be sure to read what constitutes a clear list as we won't include any links to writing journals. If you have any questions or concerns, we can be reached at Page-A-Mod.

Master Fic List of T&C Authors

doona_rose - Masterlist of Fics
laughingduchess - Masterlist of Fics
misscam - Masterlist of Fics
jvgymnast - Masterlist of Fics
dark_aegis - Masterlist of Fics
pastrypack - Masterlist of Fics
pie_is_good - Masterlist of Fics
sarcastic_kitty - Masterlist of Fics
goldy_dollar - Masterlist of Fics
teskafuture - Masterlist of Fics
sunstar77 - Masterlist of Fics
kalleah - Masterlist of Fics
marcasite - Writing Journal
wendymr - Masterlist of Fics
aibhinn - Masterlist of Fics
un_sedentary - Masterlist of Fics
christn7 - Masterlist of Fics
ivydoor - Masterlist of Fics
who_la_hoop - Masterlist of Fics
amandarex - Masterlist of Fics
catsfiction - Masterlist of Fics
rebelsaint - Masterlist of Fics
timeladyinred - Masterlist of Fics
dancinbutterfly - Masterlist of Fics
shootingstars88 - Masterlist of Fics
svanderslice - Masterlist of Fics
larielromeneil - Masterlist of Fics
littlemissgg - Masterlist of Fics
irishlullaby - Masterlist of Fics
spiritus - Masterlist of Fics
faythbrady - Masterlist of Fics
rosa_acicularis - Masterlist of Fics
dettiot - Masterlist of Fics
lostwolfchats - Masterlist of Fics
zinke - Masterlist of Fics
milieva - Masterlist of Fics
ljg_fanfic - Masterlist of Fics
arethusa85 - Masterlist of Fics
naughtybunny23 - Masterlist of Fics
who_in_whoville- Masterlist of Fics & Teaspoon
lumendea - Masterlist of Fics

Fic Recommendations by T&C Members
threerings - Fic Recommendations Group 1 | Fic Recommendations Group 2 | Fic Recommendations Group 3
wendymr - Fic Recommendations
aibhinn - Fic Recommendations
kaycee03 - Fic Recommendations
doctor_addict - Fic Recommendations
jvgymnast - Fic Recommendations
larielromeniel - Fic Recommendations
dettiot - Fic Recommendations
isiscaughey - Fic Recommendations

master fic list, mod posts, fic recs

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