Our theme this month was "angels & deities." I worked from noon to 3:30 AM on Tuesday, so about 13 hours 30 minutes counting breaks. I wrote 20 poems on Tuesday and another 5 later. Those covered all length categories, with a lot of medium poems this time. There were many stand-alones, and a fair bit of prompt-mixing.
Participation was enthusiastic, with 58 comments on LiveJournal and another 28 on Dreamwidth. A total of 23 people sent prompts. Please welcome new prompters DW users Stardreamer, Cirque, and Elizabethconall. You have them to thank for the second freebie.
Read Some Poetry!
The following poems from the December 2013 Poetry Fishbowl have been posted:
A Cup of Comfort"
The God Particle"
Guardians of the House"
Infinitesimal Divinities"
Its Very Existence"
Jamaican Angels"
Keep Our Christmas Merry Still"
Land and Life"
The Lounge Eternal"
The Memelord"
Mind of Peace"
Sharper Than Nails"
Sore Afraid"
Sorrow's Guardian"
The Timefallen"
Troubled at His Saying"
the uncountable gods"
Whose Guardian"
The Wisdom Kings"
The Saga of Eriksdottir" (November 6, 2012 fishbowl, The Asgard Eddas)
Lost in the Fog" (November 5, 2013 fishbowl,
Polychrome Heroics)
The Trains Must Run on Time" (August 2013 Creative Jam,
The Steamsmith)
Buy some poetry!
If you plan to sponsor some poetry but haven't made up your mind yet, read the
list of unsold poems from December. That includes the title, length, price, and the original thumbnail description for the poems still available.
All currently sponsored poems have been posted. Per the $200 goal, "
The Saga of Eriksdottir" is your free epic. Per the $250 goal, this is the third tally so you get a mid-month fishbowl, which will happen in January. I'll give you a chance to pick the series then. Per the $300 goal, there will be a piece of bonus material posted.
Donors this month included:
the_vulture, Anthony and Shirley Barrette. Please welcome new donor
paka whose presence helped earn the second freebie. The donor perk post is "
Angels as Characters." Be aware that LiveJournal has somehow disabled alphabetizing on the Custom Friends Groups feature, which means I haven't been able to update the Donors list with new sponsors from December. Sorry about that. Hopefully they will fix it.
The Poetry Fishbowl project also has a permanent
landing page.