No, I haven't broken anything yet, but give me time... It's been seven months since I last broke something, I have a feeling I'm overdue.
Instead I've had a good time with technology, continuing my love-hate relationship with it. About a month ago I was promoted to "Founding Administrator" for a forum I've been a part of for about two and a half years now. The clan I had been in for an online game decided to make it so we could continue writing and creating together after we left the site and through all the other games we joined. I was a founding member of that clan and one of the first to join the forum. So I got the promotion! lol, Apparently I've also been promoted so I can go through and edit writing/roleplaying posts of those who request it. But that will happen when the roleplaying section officially opens up, which will be soon.
And all my poking around on the admin control panel has yet to break the forum or my laptop. I'm beyond happy.
However, I have all ready taken time out of my editing schedule to sit down and write a proper Welcome message that explains things for the forum. I can only hope he finishes moving sections around so I can post it before I leave on Sunday.
With the beta-reading, apparently I was off in my calculations. In ten chapters we have gone through over 160,000 words which I then cut down to a little over 140,000. With looking back over certain scenes and recommending the cut of a few more, it should get it even closer to 100,000 words. That would be amazing.
With my own editing, I think I will just barely manage to pull off getting everything done and posted by tomorrow night. I counted that I have 28 stories. Out of those, I have finished editing 17, soon to be 18. Oh my gosh, I seriously think I will pull this off. ::crosses fingers::
The stories with the biggest changes will be Fateful (A Guardians of the Dragon remake) as all of the early chapters are being completely re-written; Loving a Heart of Ice which is being completely re-written because even edited it was horrible, horrible badfic, so it will have an entirely new story; Frozen Tears will also be re-written but without anything new being introduced or changed around, just taking it out of the realms of badfic; and Tales of the Night which has some small changes in most chapters, but major changes to the last two chapters that were posted. I was so mixing real life with fandom writing, which I hope never happens again. And I'm so glad someone (
madmiko) called me on it. I desperately needed that, so thank you.
And I said I was going to post the table of prompts for Tales of the Night when I reached chapter 20, and then I never did. I seem to do that a lot, which is not entirely right of me. So, I'm finally going to do so (better late than never! lol) with the completed, and edited, prompt chapters. If I have time, these edited chapters will be up on mediaminer before I leave as well. If not, they will have to wait.
001.You were never mine to begin with.002.I'm willing to sacrifice anything just for you.003.
Find me in the Dark.004.Darkness in my heart.005.Release my darkness;
Bring me warmth.006.
Stolen Heart.007.
First sunlight after the darkness.008.One last date....009.When all hope is lost.010.Together itsumo (Together always).011.You will never look at me.
012.Your love is suffocating me.013.
Paint the night with stars.014.
Guardian Angel.015.
Telling you the truth.016.You don't know what you have done to me.017.Black Wings; Wings.018.
Listen to the music at night.019.
Crying all night for you.020.
Never leave me again.021.
Seeking for you.022.Love you till the very end.023.
Like an art piece.024.
My heart is bleeding for you....025.
Release of the evils.026.
Frozen moment at the first sight.027.I'm souless without you.028.I feel safe with you by my side.029.I will never hurt you.030.
It hurt to see you cry.031.Bonus:
Finally together.032.Bonus:
I hate to love, but for you I'm willing to...033.Bonus:
I feel peace at night.034.Bonus:
It's hard not to love you. 035.Bonus:
I'm poisoned from the very moment.036.Bonus:
Don't worry, I'll always be by your side.037.Bonus:
Threads of Fate.038.Bonus:
Alone at night.039.Bonus:
Hear the thunder roar and the lightning flash.040.Bonus:
It's just a nightmare.Table made by
flakes_of_snow And now, off I go back to my little hole since my earned break is almost over.