I just saw footage of Stephen Harper dropping his kids off at school. He shook their hands. Both of them. Twice. Shook their hands, his kids under four feet tall.
Is anybody else having trouble posting in "friends-only" mode? Right now, if I try to post friends-only, my entry doesn't post on any of my friends friend's pages (if that makes sense). What up? I usually like to post just about everything in friends-only. Argh. This journal is pissing me off.
I no longer have photoshop. Boo hoo, etc. etc. Is it possible to actually reduce the size of a digitial picture using iPhoto? Whenever I try it shows it smaller within the iPhoto program, but then if I try to email or post them they're still mega huge. Argh. Help!
Oh, Canada -- you're not really going to elect a Conservative majority on Monday, are you? That's a joke, right? I know you have a great sense of humor, and certainly a well-developed sense of irony, but this is no longer funny
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Do I even need to say it? Why, oh why are the girls on America's Next Top Model soooo dumb? They've never heard of mod or Bollywood? They don't know what preppy or punk means? How can anyone grow up in this day and age where popular culture fuels every aspect of our lives, and still manage to miss out on such basic movements in the fashion
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