30 Days of Nu-Who: Day 8

Mar 15, 2011 08:31

Day 8 - Favorite Series

My favorite series - or “season” as they’re called in the US - is Series Four. It contains my favorite Companion, my favorite character, my favorite episode, David Tennant, and the best consecutive series of episodes of any TV show ever: “Midnight,” “Turn Left,” “The Stolen Earth,” and “Journey’s End.”

Yes, I know “Journey’s End” has issues, but it’s still freakin’ epic. I love (and I can’t overstate how much I love it) all the companions returning and being amazing together. I also love TenII at least as much as I love Ten.

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Day 1 - Favorite Incarnation of the Doctor: Nine
Day 2 - Favorite Companion: Donna Noble
Day 3 - Favorite Villain/Monster/Alien/Baddie of the Week: The Entity from "Midnight"
Day 4 - Favorite Character: Wilfred Mott
Day 5 - Favorite Guest Star: Anthony Stewart Head
Day 6 - Least Favorite Character: Lady Christina de Souza
Day 7 - Favorite Episode: "Midnight"
Day 8 - Favorite Series: Series Four
Day 9 - Least Favorite Episode
Day 10 - Favorite Scene/Moment
Day 11 - Scene/Moment that makes you cry
Day 12 - Scene/Moment that makes you giggle
Day 13 - Favorite Era visited by The Doctor & Co.
Day 14 - Fave Doctor Moment
Day 15 - Fave Rose Moment
Day 16 - Fave Martha Moment
Day 17 - Fave Donna Moment
Day 18 - Fave Amy Moment
Day 19 - Favorite Ship
Day 20 - Prettiest Scene
Day 21 - Favorite Location
Day 22 - Something Silly
Day 23 - Something Epic
Day 24 - Favorite Accessory of the Doctor's
Day 25 - Favorite TARDIS Team
Day 26 - Scene/Moment that made you go 'awww'
Day 27 - Scene/Moment that made you go 'argh'
Day 28 - Favorite Series Arc
Day 29 - Favorite Music/Song
Day 30 - Why Do YOU Love Doctor Who

Contains minor spoilers, but I'm pretty sure anyone who's going to read this has already watched the show.

doctor who, tv, memes, 30 days of nu-who

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