Magicakes 2.4

Oct 14, 2010 15:00

A continuation of the Magicakes Pixel Trade Round Robin captained by engram_au, with the first round ably played by the inimitable bondchick_nett!  Previous installments as follows:

Gen 1 Part 1 | Gen 1 Part 2 | Gen 1 Part 3 | Gen 1 Part 4 | Gen 1 Part 5 | Gen 1 Part 6
Gen 1 Part 7 | Gen 1 Part 8

Gen 2 Part 1 | Gen 2 Part 2 | Gen 2 Part 3

High time Mr. and Mrs. Fertility got married.  LOL @ Jensen's (bondchick_nett) pjs XD

Worgen is pretty happily neglected in his dangly thing.  He needs to build up strength and flexibility to prey on the weak y'know.  Damned Sons of Arugal.

Murloc is equally excited about the bouncy chair.


And this is what their mother is busy doing whilst they are being neglected and all.

She managed to stop pretending she can do ballet in tap shoes long enough to congratulate Dropa (prettypalisades) on her A+.

Uh.  There are so many things wrong with this picture.  I think she kept her pjs on to protect her from that layer of grime that is surely sentient by now.

Jingle.  I'd hate you but I was hoping for it.  I want a girl.

Worgen grows up adorably.

Or not.

Murloc is (for now) the more cheerful of the two.

He has very mixed feelings about DROiD (sixamsims) choosing to slobber on him.  MURLOCS ARE SLIMY, THIS SHOULD BE FULLY ACCEPTABLE TO YOU.

Worgen is adorable.

And these two barely care for their children as they are always in bed.

Why yes, that is a common result after spending every waking moment sexing up your husband.

I've sort of forgotten the adoptees in favor of the trueborn kidlets, haven't I?  I shall remedy that.

Keenan: "What do you mean you don't get why nobody likes you?  Your family is like, famous!  They were pretty much a reality show!  AND YOU WERE EVIL."

Pumpkin Toast (javabean_dreams):  "No, no, you've got it all wrong!  They just portrayed me in the worst light so no one would vote for me as heir!  I'm innocent, I tell you!"


After which, he decides to grow up.  Into those danged Castaway clothes that haunt me every time someone grows up.

Bunyip: "Uh hello?  I feel there has not been enough attention paid to me..."



Dropa also grew up into this utter vision of loveliness.  I WISH YOU WERE ELIGIBLE FOR HEIR.  She is also demonstrating the challenge I rolled for this week:

The 'healthy-food-is-for-hippies' challenge. All sims in your house may eat only chinese food and/or pizza for one week. Put the fridge into a sim's inventory to make sure no one secretly binges on salad.

I don't think Bunyip approves.

Bunyip: "Hey all that MSG and stuff is making a rumbly in my tumbly..."

Naw, just a baby POP.

O_O  How did you even...  Bunyip has epic pee o.O  And of course Dropa walks right through it C'MON GIRL PAY ATTENTION!  You have to notice that your socks are wet now :|

Oh Jensen.  So naive.

Um Keenan, I approve of playing with DROiD but you have other pressing issues.  Like needing a shower.  Or doing that homework you are so assiduously ignoring RIGHT NEXT TO THE DOG.

The toilet story is necessary in every sim home.  Look how little Murloc is deeply concentrating on its important message.

Murloc: "So even though it's filled with water, I can't swim in it?"

Ok, I know we don't really like Pumpkin Toast but do you REALLY have to spray her with that very toxic-looking bug spray?

Keenan: "There are roaches.  Not my fault she's standing on 'em."
Pumpkin Toast: *mouth breathes*

It eventually hits her what her brother tried to do.  I almost feel sorry for her.

And then she grows up badly.  Raise your hand if this surprises you.  I thought not.

*evil giggle*

Ok she's evil, but dang she is pretty.


Murloc and then Worgen also grow up badly.  I think Pumpkin Toast had something to do with this.

Immediately after the rush of birthdays, a child is born.  Jensen is very excited.  Bunyip looks like she's in shock.  It's another boy, Nathrezim.

On the Nathrezim:

Dreadlords, masters of trickery, deceit, and guile, take pride in the fiendish destruction they have wrought on Azeroth. Affiliated with the Burning Legion  for centuries, the dreadlords - also termed nathrezim - acted as commanders of undead legions during the Burning Legion’s second invasion, slaughtering thousands with their unnatural hordes. The dreadlords lost much power when several of their most influential members fell to the Forsaken armies under Sylvanas Windrunner’s banner. Now the dreadlords seem almost a myth, a story told to frighten children. People feel safer when they think the dreadlords a remote tale; some instead comfort themselves with the lie that the great Varimathras  is the only surviving dreadlord. More practical sorts know that evil never truly dies and that just because they cannot see something does not mean it is not there.

Dreadlords invariably stay behind the scenes and affect change through proxies. Adventurers might go their whole lives and never realize a dreadlord has acted against them in countless, seemingly unrelated ways. Only after much exertion and investigation do the heroes uncover the dreadlord behind a plot. Even then, the task of tracking and slaying a dreadlord can overwhelm the most competent hunter of evil. Dreadlords live in heavily fortified lairs or march at the center of an army. They most often are arcanists, but some dreadlords favor the physical arts of the rogue or warrior.

In the nathrezim's eyes, malice is the ultimate gift. To torment another creature with physical and moral agony offers something superior to happiness or contentment. Dreadlords prefer to turn their talents to psychic assault and manipulation, seeking to dissolve the bonds that unify individuals, groups, and nations and leave their mortal victims floundering amidst chaos and decay. A nathrezim-occupied world eventually abandons higher morality as irrelevant to the context in which its inhabitants find themselves, joining the dreadlords in their callous worship of the maligned. Although fierce warriors, nathrezim prefer a leadership role, standing behind a wall of ghouls or other allies and retreating when their enemies press too close. This is particularly true of the weaker nathrezim, whose magical abilities cannot always prevent their swift, bloody execution by a determined fighter, wizard, or rogue.  A dreadlord engages in melee combat only when convinced he holds the upper hand. A dreadlord studies his opponent first and learns her weaknesses. Then he remains at range, unleashing his most powerful spells on his enemy.

They are suspected to be the only race known to be originally demonic (although another kindred race, the Tothrezim, is mentioned in the RPG books). Their demonic magics can drain the life of their victims, and they have been reported to devour the souls of their slain victims. They can amass a swarm of flying carrion insects, and have been known to put their enemies to sleep. They prefer to work from the shadows, corrupting slowly, as opposed to assaulting their enemies directly. This makes the Dreadlords the perfect henchmen for the most cunning of demons, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver.

The nathrezim have a war-centered culture with an emphasis on codes of conduct. It is forbidden for one of the Nathrezim to kill another, a law broken only once, by Varimathras when he was ordered to kill his brother Balnazzar by Sylvanas Windrunner. However, the killing was either staged or a failure, for Balnazzar is still alive today and secretly rules the Scarlet Crusade. The Nathrezim serve as both the tacticians and field commanders of Archimonde and the henchmen of Kil'jaeden.

Nearly all dreadlords choose to study both the arts of war and the arts of magic. Almost all have the ability to summon an Infernal, while a few choice dreadlords can create a doomguard from their fallen foes. Some of them, such as Mal'ganis, are proficient at necromancy. It is important to note that the Nathrezim are not as talented in magic as the eredar- whereas the eredar have become adept at almost all forms of magic, the nathrezim show talent for only a handful of types.

Although none of the nathrezim encountered in the Third War were actually seen to fly, accounts from the War of the Ancients clearly state that they flew without using magic. Using magic to fly is draining, and is not something a dreadlord would do under normal circumstances (though an eredar would have little difficulty).

Though many dreadlords were killed in the War of the Ancients and Third War, the continued existence of Balnazzar and the recent discovery of Mal'ganis's revival suggest that the Nathrezim are immortal, or at least much, much more difficult to kill than previously thought.



Make me a girl!

Keenan is fixing the computer.  This becomes very important later.

Like now.  Time to boot all the teen non-heir-eligible adoptees to the college bin!

Bye Keenan!

A houseful of well-adjusted children, ne?

Dropa: "You are such a dog.  And you smell worse than DROiD."
Jensen: *hates on Dropa for no apparent reason*

Just a note.  Dropa is the ONLY one to get any scholarships.

Bye Dropa!  I will miss you D:


Poor Murloc.  The only one who is possibly as evil as he is leaving.  Actually he might be glad she's going so he can rule as the most evil sim in the house.  *ponder*


Featuring Sims/Pets by:

round robin: magicakes

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