Title: Hold My Silence
casy_dee Rating: T
Characters/Pairing: Connor/Abby
Spoiler: Series 3
Warning: Angst
Genre: Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Abby has secrets in her past, but is it right to keep them there? Can Connor accept it? Set in the Cretaceous...
Part: 16/20
Ch 1,
Ch 2,
Ch 3,
Ch 4,
Ch 5 ,
Ch 6,
Ch 7,
Ch 8 ,
Ch 9,
Ch 10,
Ch 11 ,
Ch 11.5 (M),
Ch 12,
Ch 13,
Ch 14,
Ch 14.5 (M),
Ch 15 A/N: A little different in tone, this one is. I hope you like it. : )
Chapter 16
The dinosaurs moved out far enough to allow them access to the lake and river on the third day, but they stayed in the area. Over the past couple of weeks Connor became obsessed with driving them out for good, but he'd yet to come up with a plan that she would agree to. Today, he'd wanted to go and scout to the north. He thought there might be a way to use the crevasse he'd fallen into when they'd gotten separated, but he needed to see what he had to work with. Abby was all for it; she wanted to be rid of them as badly as he did.
She was sick to death of the constant strain that came with having to be continuously hyper-aware of their surroundings, and Connor was as near to snapping as she'd ever seen him. She didn't know how to help him; the only time he seemed like himself was in the evenings, and even then, he was not quite the same. She thought it must be due to the fact that he felt so ineffectual as of late. The anomaly device was broken, he'd managed to almost die of poisoning, Abby had almost died in the river, and now their safe little secure home had been threatened by encroaching dinosaurs.
The one bright spot in all the darkness was that the growing love and tenderness between them. Their romantic interludes were a welcome stress relief, and each time, Abby felt more and more secure in Connor's arms. One of her psychologists that social services had insisted she see would have said that she was beginning to associate the sexual feelings she was having with good memories, thanks to Connor. It also served to make him more confidant, as well. Once he knew how much pleasure he brought her, it made all the difference.
Another strange effect of their growing intimate relationship was that Connor had become much more open and assertive with Abby. She thought he was beginning to believe that she wouldn't reject him, and just maybe believe that she truly did love him. She couldn't help the little barbs she still threw out at him on occasion, but for the most part, he would give her a smirk and tell her to 'be nice.' For her part, she usually was, and she apologized when she wasn't. Mostly. Usually. Sometimes.
She was making a decided effort to tell him the things that she would have just kept to herself, before. He needed to hear them, and so despite the discomfort and embarrassment that being so open about her feelings caused her, she said them. She was sure to tell him he was sexy, handsome, well fit or gorgeous at least once a day, and he still blushed adorably each time that she did. The blush alone would have been worth it.
This morning, when Connor said he had the germ of an idea, but he needed to see it to work out the rest of it, she suggested they make the scouting trip to check the crevasse. Abby needed to do something different, or she'd slowly go insane. They loaded their packs with any and everything they thought they might need. Neither one would like the idea of spending the night away from the cave, but they thought it best to be prepared to do so, just in case.
"Ready, then?" Connor asked her, hoisting his spear over his shoulder.
She smiled at him, "Almost. There is something else, before we go."
He looked to her inquisitively and quirked an eyebrow at the secretive little smile she wore, "What?"
She stalked over to him and wound her arms around his neck, sinking one hand deep into his thick mop of dark hair. She formed her body to his and kissed him deeply. He sighed against her mouth and returned her kiss enthusiastically before they broke apart for air.
"What was that for?" he asked, his dimple flashing in his cheek as he grinned.
She grinned back, "For being you. Besides, I'll not be able to do that for a while, since we're scouting."
"Mmm. Can I have another?" he asked, his eyes flicking down to her lips as his arms pulled her in closer.
He was still smiling as she pressed her lips to his.
They split apart as they always did when they were scouting, Connor taking the point position. She was sure to keep an eye on him at all times; she didn't want a repeat performance of the last time they'd gotten separated. Connor was all seriousness, and to his credit, he never looked back to reassure himself that Abby was behind him. He still trusted that she would be.
They had been walking for quite some time before Connor spotted what he'd been looking for, the crevasse he'd fallen into whilst looking for Abby. They followed it down as the crack got deeper and wider, stopping as Connor pointed out the place that he'd climbed out when he'd been stuck. He stopped again much further down, waiting for her to catch up. They needed to stop for a meal at some point, but she wasn't sure that this was the best place for it. The forest had thinned down somewhat, so they had a clear view of the surrounding area, but the deinonychus often ranged this far north. Still, Theropod dinosaurs were common. If it wasn't them they were bothered about, then it could just as easily be another species.
"Why'd you stop? Are you ready to eat?" she asked as she arrived at Connor's side.
He smiled tightly, but never removed his eyes from the horizon, "As good a place as any, I figure. This is where I fell in."
Abby leaned over the edge and looked down. She blanched as she registered the steep walls, and the ground that was far below.
"Connor… you could've died," she said softly, her eyes narrowed; he'd never told her.
He nodded, "Yeah," his tone matter-of-fact, "It was close; I got lucky."
She punched him on the shoulder, "Stupid!"
Connor shot her a startled look, confusion flitting across his features.
"Sorry," she apologized, "Just… please be careful."
He studied her face, his eyes softening for her the way they always did, even out here when he was so focused on survival that she almost didn't recognize the man that was beneath it all.
He nodded, a ghost of a smile on his lips, "S'alright."
They sat with their backs to the crevasse as they made a quick meal of died fish and fruit. Connor talked quietly as they ate. Abby chuckled; he'd finally found his 'indoor' voice thanks to the ever-present danger they faced here.
He paused and quirked an eyebrow, "What're you laughing at?"
"I was just thinking that you finally learned how to speak quietly. It just took the threat of being torn to bits to manage it," she snickered.
"Funny," he replied, rolling his eyes, but she won a smile anyway.
"I thought so," she smirked.
Connor laughed, and shrugged depreciatingly.
He seemed a little less tense, and she was glad of it. He even smiled and laughed with her as they finished their meal, although he was still more subdued than he was in the security of their cave. As they made ready to leave, Connor stopped and grabbed Abby's arm and pointed.
"What's that?" he asked excitedly.
"Um. A tree? Connor, we really should get moving," she replied.
"Yes, yes, a tree… but what's happened to it?" he prompted.
She looked up at the tree and frowned, "It's been blackened. My guess is a lightning strike," she shrugged, "And?"
"Abby, I don't know why it didn't occur to me before. Fire. These creatures know fire… they are instinctively afraid of it, yeah?" he asked, hands waving and enthusiasm lighting up his dark eyes.
She nodded, "Yes. Hardwired in, it seems. Where are you going with this?"
He got that look on his face that signaled he had a brilliant idea, and he knew it, "The deinonychus. We have the magnesium stick so that we can set fires quickly… or just make torches, and we trap them between the crevasse and fire. We circle behind them and set the ground ablaze. It happens in nature all the time. It's not like we're putting anyone's home in danger or anything. We just need to make sure the wind is blowing strongly in the direction of the crevasse, and we'll need to be quick."
"Connor, we are going to have to catch them while they are close to this area… and we are going to have to move very quickly to cut them off. How are we going to keep them from stampeding the other way? It's going to be dangerous," she argued.
"A little further down, the crevasse curves into a horseshoe before it continues on. If we can catch 'em in there, it'll not be so difficult to make it work, will it? Come on, I'll show ya what I mean," he offered his hand to help her up.
She sighed, but nodded. She would at least take a look before she dismissed the idea outright.
Connor again took point as she followed him down. Sure enough, the crevasse formed a tight horseshoe further down. She had to admit, if they could get the dinos into the area, it was a good plan. They would have to watch them closely, and follow behind far enough so that they were not viewed as nibbles, but it just might work.
She rejoined Connor, who for once was all smiles and excited joy. It about stopped her heart to see him like that; it reminded her so much of the Connor he was before they were trapped in this place that it made her chest ache to see it. She would agree to just about anything if it would bring that Connor back to her. He'd always been so optimistic and full of life, and it about killed her to see the bitterness eating away at his bright soul. She knew he was still in there; she saw it sometimes.
"I think it might work, but it will be dangerous. Everything will have to be perfect, and we need to be ready at a moment's notice to follow them," Abby conceded.
"We can help herd them this direction with torches. They'll smell the smoke and try to get away. We just need to get them close, Abby," he continued earnestly.
"What about the acrocanthosaurus?" she asked.
He sobered, "I don't know, but he's a single dinosaur. Easier to avoid one than half a dozen, yeah?"
Abby nodded, "Yeah. One thing at a time."
Connor suggested that since they had never been so far north, and they still had a lot of daylight remaining, that they go on and scout farther before they headed home. She allowed Connor to get ahead of her again as they headed out. Fairly quickly, the forest thinned out even more, transitioning into scrublands. Flat and desolate, they didn't spot any creatures in the area. Abby was just about to catch up to Connor to suggest they head back when she saw something flickering on the eastern horizon.
Could it be? She shaded her eyes and blinked rapidly. A silver ball of flickering light stood out against the flat plain. She looked to Connor; he'd gotten fairly far ahead again. She glanced around again, and deemed that yelling for him was worth the risk. There was nothing around for miles.
"Connor! Look! An anomaly!" she shouted, pointing at the ball of light.
"Run for it Abby! I'm right behind ya!" he shouted back.
She turned and ran, knowing that Connor would be hard on her heels. She'd wait for him when she reached it, but he was a fast runner, and he'd probably make it just seconds behind her. Her lungs burned as she ran, hope pushing her farther, to run faster. The anomaly was much further away than she'd initially thought, but the thought that home could be on the other side fueled her to keep going.
"Abby! Watch out!" Connor called out behind her, but it was too late; she was falling.
She screamed as the ground crumbled beneath her feet and she scrambled desperately for a handhold. She slid down the steep grade, crying out as she hit her hip hard as she landed. Connor was calling for her frantically; she shook her head to try to clear it.
"I'm fine Connor. Go on!" she yelled as soon as she could catch her breath.
His worried face appeared over the edge of the cliff, "Abby? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. Go on!" she cried.
"No. Let's get you out," he disagreed.
"It might disappear! What if it's the way home?" Abby argued.
"What if it's not? I'll not go anywhere without you," he countered stubbornly.
"Connor, no!"
He was already levering himself down over the edge, ignoring her protests. He cursed once softly, looking out towards the anomaly before he dropped himself over the edge. She'd fallen into one of the numerous cracks in the earth that feathered out from the larger crevasse. She'd known they were there, but in her excitement, she'd forgotten to watch her feet. What had started as a small crack had crumbled under her feet, and now she found herself in a rather large aperture in the earth.
Connor landed beside her and immediately began checking her over for any injuries, his hands ghosting over her body.
"I'm fine," she sighed, "Why? Why did you not go when I asked you to? If you got home, you could fix the device and come back for me."
He shook his head, "No way I'd do that. Anything could happen to you here. Besides, we'd not have made it. It's already closed," he said quietly.
Her legs collapsed out from under her, but Connor caught her before she fell. He held her to him, and she let him. So close. They'd been so close. She bit her lip hard and tried like hell to hold in her tears of anger and frustration. Connor's strong arms around her helped, but she felt like such a failure for throwing away their chance to get home because she'd slipped.
"It's alright, Abby. We're fine. We'd not have made it anyway," he told her, immediately understanding where her mind had gone when he told her the anomaly had closed.
"I know better than that. I was careless," she disagreed.
"It could have easily been me," he said, tipping up her chin so he could look into her eyes.
She didn't see any accusation behind his warm chocolate eyes, only concern and love.
He wiped a smear of dirt off of her cheek and took her hands in his, kissed the scrape on the back of her hand gently, "Are you okay?"
She nodded. She wasn't. Not yet, but she would be. She'd not let this beat her.
"I think this is good news, Abby. We've seen two different anomaly sites. I'm thinking that this area is more predisposed to them. I think it's only a matter of time before we see another," he said, and she could tell that he believed it.
The crack she'd fallen in wasn't nearly as steep as the main crevasse, but it still was impossible to climb up. They began walking south, hoping to find an area that was climbable. The bottom widened and narrowed as they journeyed, eventually meandering down to join the main crevasse. Connor joked that he knew his way back once they got a little farther down, and Abby forced a smile although she didn't much feel like smiling.
She was lost in her own thoughts, trying hard not to be down on herself. They'd figured out how to run the deinonychus out of their area, and Connor had become convinced that they were on some sort of rift area that made anomalies much more likely to occur. A sort of 'thin spot' was how he chose to explain it to her. He believed that this place in time was a jumping point, similar to the spaghetti junction they had run into once before. He'd spent the walk back animatedly explaining it to her, but she honestly had not followed much of the conversation. She could talk for days about animal behavior, but Connor's type of science was an enigma to her.
She walked right into his back as he stopped suddenly right in front of her. They were at a narrow portion of the crevasse, and they had to go single file.
"Connor!" she exclaimed, irritated. She wanted to hurry past the area; it stunk of sulfur.
"Look at this!" he replied, his voice laden with wonder.
"I can't see anything, Connor, but you," she snapped.
"Oh! Sorry… here," he knelt down so she could see over him.
"Oh! It's beautiful!" she gasped.
The narrow path continued on for a hundred or so meters, but along the cliff that had rose up to flank the left side of the wall, she saw a wide mouthed cave complete with mineral formations… and a spring. Not a tiny one like outside their cave; this one was at least five meters across and had steam billowing up from the surface. It smelled horrible, but her nose was already getting desensitized to it.
The crevasse continued on, but the outside edge of the cave was climbable, although just barely. They could get out, and they were not too terribly far from their home cave.
Connor grinned up at her, "What are we waitin' for, eh?"
She pushed on his back, "Go!"
A/N: Abby is finding it in herself to be more open and honest about her feelings because Connor so desperately needs to hear it. Connor is finding his way to confidence because of Abby's love and faith in him. Although there is a wee bit of sad, I think this chapter is much happier in tone. They were depressing me, so I had to take matters into my own hands. *grins*
I was thinking about Chena Hot Springs in Alaska. (Blame the LJ travel survey) I used to live in Fairbanks, and I thought how nice it might be for them to find a place for a little comfort. I sure enjoyed the hot springs… stinks though.