I tried out
TrustFlow II for LiveJournal. The following people not on the friends list for
celebdur are close by:
- hostile_chaos (50 - 100)
- feminazi__, lawfully, kateweb, mylament, aylapolgara (100 - 150)
- darkstar00, lgross, xoopmagick, mikelswank, frogger_the_mad, artflick, wishimight, lsbe, lucifur79, diarrehaworship, lamentofday, skylark777, sphinx69, bigpoppa4u69, mustang_gt, inkiemouse (150 - 200)
- wolfwitch (350 - 400)
- unbleachedbrun, zocalo, bonanzajellybee (400 - 450)
- thetsar82, ____the521virus, slim_man_scoob, im_justaguy, ready_fire_aim, new_lantern, bireven, ccn01, confuzed1_2007, p0ison1vy, jamalt, applecandi, abstractanthony, madidude04, starryknight628, cheekeemonkee71, gypsy_rose_knee, leluiahkiani, vpikyle, tygerflaem, _tatersalad_, gothic_diamond, fujerica, massashaun, soopageek, welfy, mix3d3m0ti0n5, sdaisyk, tcziris, deirdre5173, shatteredavatar, cathymg2, getlive, potbellynine, fkgirl, christopunk (450 - 500)
- glorfi, russand0l, casteylan, doltaghey, arhuaine, bike4fish, eyesys, yulecat, cjct37, queer_ishmael_, avalonson, wespennest, guruphil, misserikasyarns, littleblackduck, missamerika, vmisery, one_cold_angel, hophophopityhop, jessiexgirl, the_gwyllion, gankaiya, yneel, adimiron, daggr63, askym (500 - 550)
- lizardspots, arrmaitee, maireirigreine, switchknife, gredandfeorge, wistful_fever, beren_writes, novembersnow, madam_malicia, suborbital, abuddhistfrog, ibejedi, kitty_scythe, findingme_lost, onlywisdom, sushi_kitten, smpte, laseroption, hwkeye82, nytecat, superpico, mreis101, diadeloro, jor_jor, mandalony, ravynfyre, ephnat, cupiscent (550 - 600)
Created by ciphergoth; hosted by
TrustFlow II: Who is closest to your friends
list? Well that's silly. I now know that I don't know all the people I almost don't not know.