Title: 20 random facts about Gideon and Fabian Prewett Author: elladorablack Pairing(s)/Character(s): Gideon and Fabian plus a few cameos from family. Slight Gideon/Fabian Rating: PG-13 maybe. Word Count: 1,052 Summary: 20 random facts Disclaimer: All JKRs. Warning(s): Slight hints at incest. Note: For the HP Character Random Facts/Things Meme Compilation.
I should probably find a better use for this than posting drabbles from it. Meh. For hp100 as always, since I never got around to finishing my James/Lily.
Title: Not a Crush (three cheers for denial!) Word Count: 100. Characters/Pairings: Lily/James Author's Notes: Partly inspired by Memory Incarnate and the fact that Lily's taking over my brain.