Daily Non-200-Drabble: Do Not Pick Fights with Aliens

Jul 23, 2009 19:54

Today's Wiki article: Alen vs. Predator
Today's prompt: alien battle
Title: Do Not Pick Fights with Aliens
Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kirk wakes up in the sickbay-again-after venturing down to a strange planet.
A/N: I couldn't make this work in 200 words, so it's 300.

Kirk jolted awake, gasping. He didn't move; he just stared at the sterile white ceiling and listened to the soft beeps issuing from multiple devices within the sick bay. Why am I here? Again? he thought as he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration. It just didn't make any sense. He was sitting in his captain's chair, minding his own business, when Spock bolted out from nowhere-

And Kirk quickly got himself off of the bed. Where was Spock now? Was he going to attack again?

"Dammit, Jim! Lay back down," McCoy shouted from across the room. He was tending to a gauze-wrapped wound on an unconscious Spock's chest. Kirk barely noticed it as Spock at first; not only was he shirtless and his hair ragged...but his skin...was his skin tinted red?

Then it hit him. Mind-splitting...tear-inducing...No previous thoughts mattered anymore.

Kirk fell to his knees as he clutched his forehead. He felt like his skull was being ripped open.

McCoy and a nurse rushed to the ailed captain's side and hoisted him back on the bed. McCoy then rolled his eyes as he picked up a hypospray of pain medications and jammed it into Kirk's neck.

"You shouldn't pick fights with aliens. I didn't expect much from you, but I can't believe Spock joined you!" McCoy huffed. "When the monster touched and scratched you both you contracted some weird blood disease. It's caused you to develop massive headaches, red tinted skin...you want to attack the person you find as the biggest threat-"

"Bones," Kirk whispered, holding his hands over his eyes. The lights were too bright. "Shut the fuck up. Your voice...is so loud."

"You send two perfectly capable officers-one Vulcan, for heaven's sake-down to a planet and both of them come back with destructive alien diseases," McCoy mumbled as he left the captain's side.

July 23: Do Not Pick Fights with Aliens - Kirk, Spock, McCoy
July 21: Calm After the Storm - Spock/Uhura
July 20: Fear is Now - Kirk
July 11: Rumors and Scandal - Spock/Uhura
July 10: When Death is Near - Chapel
July 8: This is Wrong - OFC (Orion)
July 7: The T Stands for "Thriller" - Kirk, Bones
July 6: Homesick - Scotty
July 4: Worth Fighting For - Spock/Uhura
July 3: You are My Queen - Spock/Uhura

fan fic: star trek

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