Apr 13, 2009 20:52

Raphael from "Angel Sanctuary" (healingcock)

App Percentage: 87.8% (dup)
Played From: June 2007 to present
That's How Long? 1 year, 11 months
Total Comments: 27,086
Overall Pecentage: 46.27%
Reason For Apping: The day I had been given the okay to app I went through a potential list of characters I wanted, and decided on Raphael almost immediately. Mika had been wanting a Raphael for a while, and Angel Sanctuary is one of those canons where no matter how bugfuck crazy it is, it will always be one of my first loves. And I remember Raphael pinging me hard when I read it, so I found the old scanlations, marathoned it overnight, and started working on my app as soon as I could. This was back in the day where I was still treading water when it came to apping and playing, so I thank god aviy ninja-betaed me into making my app better, since I was still terrified of going in that dup.

Raphael's coming up on two years. I admit, playing him has been a roller coaster. I look back on that first year and think that there've been quite a few times I haven't been a good Raphael, but for some reason, I don't really feel like dropping him. I feel like doing my best to make him better, even when I'm still making the same mistakes I made in 2007. I mean, it's sad that I'm still making them, but I think that's part of why he's still growing, and why I'm still growing with him. The day I drop Raphael is the day I drop CFUD entirely. I'm certain he's probably grated on peoples' nerves with his emotional crutches and rampaging conceit, but I haven't yet gotten completely tired of playing either of those things. I'm curving how much and to what degree when I play him, which I hope balances it out somewhat.
Select Option 3? God, how can I pick. His relationships are the things that are going to stick with me the most, I think. Mika, Rue, Urd, Cain, Axel, Pell, Sara, Citrine, Raikou, Rabi, Shigure, Chizu-nee. They've all had wonderful moments with him, and they help shape Raph into who he is. He's still... not that much different from the snide sexy doctor in canon, but he's not nearly as closed off anymore.

Axel/Akutare from "Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories" (with_cock_out)

App Percentage: 95.1%
Played From: July 2007 to November 2007
That's How Long? 5 months
Total Comments: 2,526
Overall Percentage: 4.32%
Reason For Dropping: Axel was too high energy for me. I say this now currently playing Maora, but Axel was literally too much. And I played him like crazy for those five months -- so it's no wonder I got burnt out on him in such a short amount of time. He's the kind of character where everything he says has to be utter gold, and after a certain amount of time, I couldn't keep up. He had a wild and fun ride, though.
Select Option 3? Being repeatedly KOd by Fujisaki's keyboard will always have a special place in my heart. Fujiboard~

Delita Heiral # 1 from "Final Fantasy Tactics" (ctrlaltdelita)

App Percentage: 89.7%
Played From: September 2007 to March 2008
That's How Long? 7 months
Total Comments: 3,013
Overall Percentage: 5.15%
Reason For Dropping: The thing that made me drop Delita the first time ended up being because he refused to let me play him -- somehow or another, I let him get into the mindset that he could not function while remaining in Camp. He had to return to Ivalice, by sheer stubbornness if it came to that. vulchu's Ramza dropping was the first sign that he wasn't long for Camp, which was a shame because I enjoyed playing him when I got his voice right (it was, and still sometimes is, an incredible bitch to maintain). Still, I couldn't ignore the fact that he wasn't doing well in Camp, and I needed to give him a break. It was a load off of both our shoulders for the time being.
Select Option 3? The few intense relationships he had formed were wonderful. Delita has been, and still is, a fascinating character study. His relationship with Matsumoto still makes me smile, even if they don't thread nearly as often anymore.

Dr. Jizabel Disraeli from "Count Cain/Godchild" (like_im_blind)

App Percentage: 92%
Played From: December 2007 to August 2008
That's How Long? Nine months
Total Comments: 5,231
Overall Percentage: 8.94%
Reason For Dropping: Oh, Jizabel. I truly had fun with him. Some of my favorite camp moments involve him and his amazing psychosis. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and Jizabel had run his course. I felt like I'd reached the finish line with him, and so I let him go. Despite this, he's the character I've thought about reapping the most, simply because he was so much gosh darn fun.
Select Option 3? Nii. Oz. Ari. Gojyo. Ishida. Cain. Riff. The Aoyagis. There were too many amazing interactions to name, and they're all ~special~ to me.

Eugénie Danglars from "Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo" (songtoallmy)

App Percentage: 85.2%
Played From: January 2008
That's How Long? 1 year, 3 months
Total Comments: 6,037
Overall Percentage: 10.31%
Reason For Apping: About four or five months before I got Raphael in, perfectdays apped Albear, and squeed at me in PM over how she was crying over his intro thread with Franz. Out of curiosity, I looked it up and went hoshit I should watch this, huh. And I did! And I fell completely in love with it from the get-go. It wasn't until nearly a year later that it occurred to me that I could app Eugénie, but I didn't want to do it unless I had the okay from Franz and Albear, who were ICly having relationship development. Once I had the okay, Emiri hooked me up with Pell, who was apping Peppo, and we doubled-apped the next round. I love playing Eugénie. Even after a year of playing her, I still can't pinpoint why I adore her so. Despite the fact that I'm getting into slumps with her, I still think it's impressive that she took this long to get into an actual slump. Raphael definitely didn't hold out that long. :|b
Select Option 3? I loved and still love her friendship with Fujisaki. I platonically ship them in that future world-famous musicians who compose platinum-selling albums together sort of way.

Ten-chan from "Pet Shop of Horrors" (canbedeceiving)

App Percentage: 94.5%
Played From: March 2008 to November 2008
That's How Long? Nine months
Total Comments: 2,940
Overall Percentage: 5.02%
Reason For Dropping: Playing Ten-chan was an interesting experience. After the first couple months, I felt less like I was the one playing him and more like he was a mystical force I sometimes pulled out of my widget. Which, while bizarre, wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It seemed truer to his character. However in the last few months of playing him, it became obvious that the magic was drying up, and I didn't want to sacrifice his characterization for my fumbling attempts at getting back in the groove with him. I was also consistently frustrated at the lack of canon I had to draw from for him. So he went. And I knew there wasn't going to be a way to bring him back to Camp, because if he left any loose ends, it wouldn't feel true to the nature of canon. So, no matter how much I may miss him, Ten-chan can never return.
Select Option 3? I just. Really loved playing Ten-chan a lot. He was my baby fox. ;o; He had really awesome relationships, some of which were just heartbreaking. OZ ;;;;;;; TSUYU-CHAN ;;;;;;;; And pie and I frequently did retarded things with Ten-chan and Tetsu, which was always fun.

Gale from "Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga" (vorenado)

App Percentage: 96%
Played From: April 2008
That's How Long? 1 year
Total Comments: 2,818
Overall Percentage: 4.81%
Reason For Apping: I still say apping Gale is all harukami's fault. See, around February 2008, I had mistakenly mentioned to her that I'd bought DDS1. She then proceeded to gift me DDS2 before I had even opened the packaging on DDS1. Despite my flailing at her, I was so, so happy to have both games, and proceeded to devour them as quickly as possible. Not only did I fall head over heels in love with all the characters and the story (read as: halfway through DDS2 I started crying and never stopped), but I felt that Gale not being in CFUD was heresy. What's more, I wanted him like burning. It's kind of ironic that my raging desire to play him led into my barely playing him. I still feel that his comment count is pitiful, and I've certainly come close to dropping him before, but I've had so much support from players and cast mates that I've gradually become accustomed to him being a backburner, and having shorter threads than my other characters. He's just naturally terse, and I've finally gotten to the point where I accept that. Unfortunately, it also means that a lot of his development comes slow, but I'm also mostly okay with that.
Select Option 3? I really love his threads with the Embryon. His slow development into becoming a father figure towards Sera is one of my favorite things of playing him, ever. I also love his interactions with younger people, like Merryweather and Kamui. Mindfucking Kuhn with Roland was also pretty badass. >D

Delita Heiral # 2 from "Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions" (ctrlaltdelita)

App Percentage: 98%
Played From: July 2008
That's How Long? 10 months
Total Comments: 5,158 - 3,013 = 2,145
Overall Percentage: 8.81%
Reason For Apping: Honestly, dropping Delita was probably the best thing I could have done for him. Having now returned to Camp after seeing Ivalice and Ovelia and being able to ascertain for himself the true nature of the time displacement, Delita is in a much better mindset than he was before. Certainly, he still misses his princess and his home, but now that he knows he can idle without losing time he's much less of a brooding angstbucket. Now is when I am able to play with facets of Delita's personality that rarely came out when I played him before. Now, his snark and jackassery and shrewdness and ruthlessness come to light, and it is so much damn fun you guys omg. I'm much less worried about maintaining his voice because I have WoTL to pull out whenever I feel like it. I also have two amazing cast mates and even though maintaining those speech patterns is still tough even after a year, I'm prepared to bear through it. Delita is my baby sociopath and you cannot have him he is mine. :<

Also getting to kill Sydney was awesome. Awesome.

Vaan from "Final Fantasy XII" (gotagoodfeeling)

App Percentage: 92.2%
Played From: September 2008
That's How Long? 7 months
Total Comments: 2,449
Overall Percentage:4.18%
Reason For Apping: I found Final Fantasy XII for $13 in a bargain bin at Circuit City. Having heard good things about it before, I took this as a sign from God and proceeded to play the game non-stop for the next two weeks. I fell madly, passionately in love with two characters right from the get-go -- Vaan and Fran. Both spoke to me in dramatically different ways, and I knew I had to app one of them. I ended up deciding on Vaan because he was closer to my soul puppy than any character I'd ever seen. I feel kinda bad that I don't get him out nearly as much, but when I do I have so much fun with him. Playing Vaan makes me feel happy. I don't think I can ever drop him because of how much he continues to connect with me on some retarded level where when I was a child I secretly wanted to be a flying pirate. :x
Select Option 3? PUNCHING KRISTOPH GAVIN IN THE FACE hahahaha I love everything I do with Vaan but that will never stop being my favorite moment.

Himemiya Chikane from "Kannazuki no Miko" (thekillingmoon)

App Percentage: 89.4%
Played From: December 2008 to January 2009
That's How Long? 1 month
Total Comments: 95
Overall Percentage: 0.16%
Reason For Dropping: SOB LOOK AT THOSE COMMENTS. S-she didn't even make 100, wao. I just never got into the voice for her, and school was piling up, so someone had to go. Alas!
Select Option 3? DESPITE NOT PLAYING HER FOR MORE THAN A MONTH, I did enjoy confusing and tormenting Zuko.

Ichinomiya "Maora" Yoshitaka from "Shinshi Doumei Cross" (has_a_package)

App Percentage: 98.2%
Played From: March 2009
That's How Long? 1 month
Total Comments: 1,180
Overall Percentage: 2.02%
Reason For Apping: I think I might be the only person alive whom perfectdays can top. AHEM. So once upon a time, several years ago, I read SDC. I liked it, but it didn't click with me, so I left it alone. Then around the time Zazzle apped Shizumasa, I stalked his intro and then decided to find all the recent threads with Takanari and Haine I could find, and they hooked me. I decided to re-read SDC now that the series was finished, and remembered that I loved Maora. I finished the series, topped myself into apping, and went full force with it. Maora is amazing and I'm so glad I apped her. I haven't had a single thread where I wasn't thoroughly enjoying myself. Her app is also one of the few I can read now and not twitch about. It's definitely one of my favorites.
Select Option 3? Her intro with Tamaki was golden. And I'm really enjoying her budding relationships with Hajun, Hali, and Peony. I LOOK FORWARD TO MANY PROSPEROUS DAYS WITH MAO-CHAN \o/


I've played here HOW long? 1 year, 11 months or 654 days
Overall Comment Count: 58,533
Average Comments Per Day: 90
Shortest Kept: Chikane, Maora (1 month)
Longest Kept: Raphael (1 year, 11 months)
Most Played: Raphael
Least Played: Chikane
Highest Percentage: Maora (98.2%)
Lowest Percentage: Eugénie (85.2%)

Table code from Juri and number-crunching from Kyou. ♥!


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