Title: Go Gently Author: IamJabberwok Pairing: Ten/Jack (you don’t know how much willpower it took not to put “Ten/Universe, Non-con”) Warnings: character...regeneration? Spoilers for EOT. Reckless abandonment of cannon. Abuse of an overused literary reference. Summary: The Doctor in the aftermath
Never Mind the Barrowman Pairing: David Tennant/John Barrowman Warnings: Crack. Pure RPS Crack Summary: After the “Never Mind the Buzzcocks” Doctor Who special airs, David gets a phone call.
I just saw the Doctor Who Christmas Special (I love being in Merida, but it's quite difficult to find British television here... Thank goodness for the kind souls who post videos on the web.) I like the episode a lot. Nice to have a heart-warming happy ending for once. Even though I like my doctor lonely and self-sacrificing, its nice to see him
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