On Windows, I can set up an explorer context menu option "Open command prompt here", how do I do this under Linux? (Specifically Nautilus, since that's what the netbook remix of Ubuntu comes with
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I'm becoming extremely annoyed by popups. Not *web* popups, no. System popups - applications grabbing the focus when I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY'RE DOING. iTunes, USB device warnings, install dialogs, update warnings
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Went climbing for a couple of hours this evening. Arm duly tested - still slightly painful so I took it easy...well on that arm at least. The hardest climb I did was a 5B, but that was mostly balancing. I ended up doing a lot of 4's just with my right arm - lots of dyno type moves, which was fun :D
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I've been faffing around with a bug for an hour or two now, way longer than I should have - essentially two strings weren't comparing equal despite the fact that I know they are (having set them to both be the same thing initially
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I'm not sure it's a good time to try out a low carb, low sugar diet when we have so many Belgian tasty things in the house. My willpower needs a workout I suppose.
What the hell is wrong with the Cairngorm documentation authors? All I want to do is load up their "Introduction to Cairngorm" PDF and print it off so I can read it more easily. However, some bright spark has plastered "Do Not Copy" diagonally across the page, making it mostly illegible and totally unprintable
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