Title: Hookups and Emoticons
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer: Last Christmas I wished I could own Yunho...but I guess I was a naughty girl...T.T
Pairings: Yoosu (friends...?), HyukSu, Yunjae, Jaemin, KiMin, HanSiChul
Length: [11/?]
Genre: crack, romance
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warning: Some language, some mentions of smex, Chat world!
Junsu: 8D
Yoochun: >.>
Yunho: <3 JJ 4evah
Jaejoong: Omg~
Changmin: I pwnz
Making and breaking relationships has never been this instant~
1 - Storytelling and Chinese Accents ||
2 - Corndogs and O's ||
3 - Money and Bambi ||
4 - Smexicles and Friend Gods ||
5 - Pokemon and Bananas ||
6 - Yougurt and Golden Sexy ||
7 - Exercise and Holy Water ||
8 - First Kisses and Bald Spots ||
9 - Mario Kart and Grandpa's Condoms ||
10 - PMSing and Yoochun's Saga ||
Chapter 11: Petunias and Amazling Smiles
November 11, Wednesday, 12:02AM
***SUnny has signed on
SUnny: Lalala~ :D
***Chunderful has signed on
SUnny: Hi! :D
Chunderful: So.
Chunderful: Junsu.
Chunderful: Do you mind telling me WHAT THE FUCK?
SUnny: O.O"
SUnny: Eh???????
Chunderful: Today. After school.
SUnny: =.= I don't follow....
Chunderful: You usually walk home with me but you never showed up. You promised us you'd be online this afternoon but you never showed up. Apparently, you told JAEJOONG that you would never show up and you never even texted me. You didn't answer your phone til after 11PM and then you didn't even tell me WHY you've been such a douche. AND while I was worrying myself sick over you, mom made stew.
SUnny: =.=" What's that last part have to do with me?
Chunderful: I HATE stew
SUnny: =.=
Chunderful: Well??
SUnny: I can't do anything about what your MOMMY wants to cook for dinner. D< Especially since it's already after 12am and your stew is somewhere in your scrawny little belly~
Chunderful: JUNSU!
SUnny: WHAT???? You're scrawny! It's not my fault you don't work out! Do sit ups like Yunho does! DD<
Chunderful: STOP IT. I don't care about Yunho!
SUnny: *gasp* T.T But....Yunnie is our friend~
Chunderful: Shit, Junsu! Would you just.....
Chunderful: Never mind.
SUnny: o.o"
Chunderful: So, what did you do?
SUnny: I stubbed my toe! >.< Ow!
Chunderful: NO. What did you do after school?
SUnny: Hung out. With friends.
Chunderful: ...Friends.
SUnny: Yes.
Chunderful: Am I your friend?
SUnny: DUR xD
Chunderful: So why couldn't you at least invite me to hang out with you and your "friends?"
SUnny: No.
Chunderful: And why the fuck not?
SUnny: You wouldn't fit in.
Chunderful: .............That's an idiotic excuse, Su.
SUnny: I know.
Chunderful: So why can't I hang out with your friends?
SUnny: You wouldn't want to.
Chunderful: How would you know??? I put up with YOU, don't I? Any other weird friends you may have would be considered normal compared to you.
SUnny: You wouldn't want to.
Chunderful: You have no idea how much I want to choke you
SUnny: I know.
Chunderful: Were you with Hyukjae?
SUnny: No.
Chunderful: Then who were you with??
SUnny: Friends
Chunderful: Damn it, Su!
SUnny: I TOLD you. You wouldn't want to hang out with us.
SUnny: You know how...you change a little bit from when you're with your mom to when you're with your friends? It's the same thing.
Chunderful: Su, I am NOTHING like your mom.
Chunderful: I don't have boobs.
Chunderful: And I wouldn't accidentally call you stupid just because Changmin is so good at twisting up words, no one knows what they're saying anymore. He's really good at that, though. Really good.
Chunderful: Don't blame your mom so much for calling you stupid
Chunderful: Just go ahead and blame Min for all your woes~
SUnny: NO! D<
Chunderful: Then let me meet your other friends.
SUnny: No, Chun. You wouldn't want to hang out with us.
Chunderful: I'd hang out with Satan if he were your other best friend. As long as you're in hell with me
SUnny: Why are you sending me to hell??? D<
Chunderful: I'm not! I was just being metaphoric!
SUnny: Stop paying so much attention to song lyrics. =.= You always get all....poetic on me
Chunderful: Cuz I'm awesome.
SUnny: xP
Chunderful: But I really don't care who you hang out with, Su. If you and Hyukjae invited me to hang out at the mall, just the three of us, I wouldn't care.
Chunderful: Even though he still gets on my nerves.
Chunderful: And he only wants you for your bootay. Just sayin...
Chunderful: And as long as you guys don't...like....fondle each other in front of me...*shudders*
Chunderful: I would still hang out with you. Because you're my bestestest friend.
SUnny: Whatever
Chunderful: No 'whatevers' to me calling you my bestestest friend! That shit is deep.
Chunderful: *drowns you in Bambi sperm*
SUnny: ......WTF?????????????????? @_@;
Chunderful: No, that's where you're supposed to say something like, *strangles you with Changmin's shoelaces*
SUnny: D8< I'm scarred now!!
Chunderful: Heh. You would understand it if you were in the chatroom earlier.
SUnny: You talked about BAMBI SPERM with Jaejoong and YUNHO?!?!?! O.O
Chunderful: Yunho started it~
SUnny: NEVER. T.T He'd chew on pencil lead before he said such words around the presence of Bambi.
Chunderful: It's all Yunho's fault~
SUnny: LIES. DD< I'm gonna call him later and find out!
Chunderful: Go ahead. But he'll tell you all about just how much he LOOOOVES BAMBI SPERM
SUnny: GAAAH! >_< Stop saying it!
Chunderful: Bambi
Chunderful: Sperm
SUnny: NOOOES! D'8
Chunderful: Yoochun
Chunderful: Sperm
SUnny: =.= Now that's just unnecessary
Chunderful: Hahahahahaha! xD
SUnny: =.=
Chunderful: <3
SUnny: o.o
Chunderful: <33
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: Don't get too happy. I'm still pissed at you
Chunderful: <333
SUnny: o.O"
Chunderful: <3333
SUnny: Grrrrrrrrrr! D<
SUnny: Hey! Guess what? :D
Chunderful: You've been taking your mom's Vitamin E pills, but today you found out they were actually Estrogen pills and now you're slowly growing boobs~
SUnny: =.=
Chunderful: Tsk tsk. Don't worry, Su. Even when Hyukjae drops you like a disease, I'll still love you. Bestestest friend~
SUnny: Shut up!!!! *bites*
Chunderful: Cuz ya know that's what Hyukjae would do. He'd stop talking to you altogether. And then he'd find some new fresh cock with a bootay to match yours.
SUnny: He wouldn't! D<
Chunderful: Yep. He would
SUnny: NO! ]8<
Chunderful: Yep~
SUnny: NOOO! D< *throws books at chu* That's not even what my gossip was about! >.>
Chunderful: Whoops, look at the clock. Looks like I don't have time to spend on you rambling about school gossip. Gotta get up tomorrow morning so I can learn~ Bye bye
Chunderful: Noa?
SUnny: o.O"
Chunderful: Okay, okay. Just hurry it up.
SUnny: But it's a long story. T.T
Chunderful: Bye bye
SUnny: NO WAIT! If you leave this chatroom, Park Chunnie, I will spam call your cellphone all night. D8<
Chunderful: Have fun with that. Bye!
SUnny: NOOOOOO! D''''''x
Chunderful: ....
SUnny: *cries*
Chunderful: .......
SUnny: *sobs*
Chunderful: ...........okay.
SUnny: *spirals into depression*
Chunderful: Okay.
SUnny: *drools in sadness*
Chunderful: o.O OKAY. Junsu, okay!
SUnny: T.T
Chunderful: Don't give me that look. I'll listen to your story. Okay???
SUnny: ....Well technically you can't "hear" my story since we're online.....
Chunderful: Bye bye
SUnny: NOOOES! D'8 Okay! You can listen to meh online story if you want...T.T
Chunderful: Kay.
SUnny: Yay! :'D
Chunderful: Make it quick. Mom thinks I'm asleep
SUnny: Thankies for listening to meh~
Chunderful: Whatever, Su....
Chunderful: I'll always have time to listen to you. Always.
Chunderful: Don't ever let me forget it.
SUnny: Okay! 8D
SUnny: Okies. >D It all started on the side of the road. >D
SUnnY: >D It was warm and Siwon's mom's petunias were wilting. Dun dun DUN~ >DDDD
Chunderful: Make it quick or I'm leaving. Seriously.
SUnny: o.O Hankyung went to Siwon's house and got into a fight.
Chunderful: That's all?
SUnny: Well it would've been cooler if you let me tell it how I wanted to. T.T
Chunderful: No, it would've been LONGER. It still would've been lame.
SUnny: Fights are not lame! They're awesome! >D Especially love-fights~
Chunderful: I find no joy in knowing Jaejoong's friend's love interests tried to kill each other in the middle of the road.
SUnny: They weren't in the middle of the road. T.T Just ended up rolling around in the ditch. And expressing their undying love for Heechul with their fists! >8D
SUnny: It's awesomer because Siwon and Hankyung are so in love with Heechul's smexiness that they'll duel each other to the finish, disregarding everything else in the world. >:D Violence and violent love fights and smexy Heechul are cool~ I wish people paid that much attention to me~ ^.^
Chunderful: You think Heechul is sexy?
SUnny: Eh. He's a little girly but I'm not picky. xD
Chunderful: ...Kay.
Chunderful: But Heechul won't be happy.
SUnny: Probably not~ He should have a good front row seat when there are good looking men fighting over him. >D Hey, you're actually responding to meh story tonight. :DD
Chunderful: I'm only concerned cuz Jaejoong will be concerned cuz Heechul will be concerned. They both hate violence. And I just know Jaejoong is going to be complaining to me about the barbaric tendencies of men in the morning.
Chunderful: Like....ranting.
Chunderful: As if I'M the mindless barbaric man-warrior...
Chunderful: I'm not. Why does he always seem to aim his rants at me....?
SUnny: YES! YES! YES! I can't wait for school tomorrow! Moooooar juicy gossip is sure to come~<3
Chunderful: Is that all you can do? Gossip?
SUnny: It's meh hobby~ You've known me for all our lives and you still don't know this? xD
Chunderful: Yeah...seems like you have a lot of weird "hobbies...."
SUnny: Huh? o.o
Chunderful: .....Nothing. Just something Yunho was rambling about....
SUnny: Kay Kay! xD
Chunderful: KK
SUnny: Yes...o.o" As in 'okay okay.' But cuter~
Chunderful: KY
SUnny: Eh? o.o"
Chunderful: KY Jelly
SUnny: =_=
Chunderful: It's lube-licious~
SUnny: *throws cheeseburgers in your face*
Chunderful: *throws carrots at you*
SUnny: *throws fried chicken*
Chunderful: *throws the Little Mermaid*
SUnny: O_O *throws seafood*
Chunderful: *throws spaghetti*
SUnny: *throws French toast*
Chunderful: *throws Canadian bacon*
SUnny: *throws vodka*
Chunderful: *drinks vodka*
SUnny: O.o
Chunderful: *gets drunk on vodka*
SUnny: Ummm....
Chunderful: *drunkenly date rapes you*
Chunderful: Teehee~
SUnny: That makes you a criminal D<
Chunderful: Then your smexiness makes you pure evil. Heh heh~
SUnny: RAWR!!!!! 3:<
SUnny: I'm not ebil! I'm good~ 0:-D
Chunderful: Nope.
SUnny: WHY?? D':
Chunderful: I'm still pissed at you
SUnny: WHY?????? o.o"
Chunderful: You deserted me.
SUnny: Did not! D<
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: ....o.o" Okay...maybe a little...>.>
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: But I'll make it up to you :]
Chunderful: You can't. It's impossible. Like Principal Sooman ever growing a penis. It'll never happen.
SUnny: I shall make you happeh. >8D
Chunderful: See? Impossible. You can't even spell 'happy' right.
SUnny: HAPPEH is cooler! xP
SUnny: Now......>D....Watch and be amazled~
Chunderful: Translation, please
SUnny: Amazed and Dazzled combined into one awesome sauce word. ^.^
Chunderful: Kay. Continue.
SUnny: Okay....
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: ...Hello?
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: Wtf....?
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: Is that all you're gonna do???
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: So you're just gonna type a stupid emoticon over and over til I forgive you? Is that it?
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: Damn it, Su, you could've put more effort into begging for my forgiveness.
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: I hate you.
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: I said I HATE you.
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: Okay, that didn't work....
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: Ummmm...
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: *rapes your face*
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: Mmmmmm. That's right. Open that mouth nice and wide~
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: What the....? Harassing you usually shuts you up....
SUnny: :D
Chunderufl: Stop it.
SUnny: :D
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: :D
SUnny: :D
SUnny: :D
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: Fuck....
SUnny: :D
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it, you make me hate myself, Su...
SUnny: :D :D
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: Okay...
SUnny: :D
Chunderful: I said okay.....It worked....
SUnny: :D
SUnny: o.o
Chunderful: I'm not mad at you anymore, okay?
SUnny: Forrealz?!?! :'D
SUnny: Or are you just saying that so you can go to bed? >.>
Chunderful: No. I really can't stay mad at you for long.
SUnny: 8D
SUnny: YESH! xO
SUnny: It's cuz of my smile~ ;D No one can resist it.
Chunderful: I know. Damn it, I know.
SUnny: Nyah, nyah! xP You lost! Now you gotz to repay meh~
Chunderful: Yeah?
SUnny: YES! You must....buy me lunch tomorrow
Chunderful: ...Don't you have your own lunch money?
SUnny: T.T Changmin has been stealing 70% of my food every day. TT.TT You heard the deal. I have to do this for a MONTH so Changmin doesn't tell Mom about me and my men. D8
Chunderful: Don't you mean you and your 'man?' As in Hyukjae?
SUnny: Yeah. xD
SUnny: Just buy me an extra lunch when Changmin isn't looking tomorrow at lunch and I'll feel repayed. :3
Chunderful: And that's all you want?
Chunderful: Haha. Okay. I'll do it.
SUnny: Yay! <3333
SUnny: I lovez you~<3333 :D
Chunderful: Whatever. You just love that I can't say no to you.
SUnny: *gasp* Not true!
Chunderful: Yes true.
SUnny: But you're my bestestest bestie. T.T I shall lub you no matter what~
Chunderful: *throws bullshit at chu*
SUnny: Gross! D< It's smelly!
Chunderful: Exactly~
SUnny: Now you have to say it back. >:o
Chunderful: Gross! D< It's smelly!
SUnny: o.o Not that! *kicks you* What I said before
Chunderful: *gasp* Not true!
SUnny: =.= The one AFTER that. And you can't just repeat what I said. Be creative~
Chunderful: ...Okay.
SUnny: That's not it! DD<
Chunderful: What? I was just agreeing, that wasn't what I wanted to say!
SUnny: Oh. Then continue. :D
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: You're my bestestest friend, Su. And I love you so much it hurts.
SUnny: AWWWWWZ! 8'D I guess over-listening to song lyrics isn't so bad after all~
Chunderful: Haha~
SUnny: *huggles you*
Chunderful: *tickles your balls*
SUnny: @.@
Chunderful: ^_^
SUnny: I'm gonna go to bed now. >.> It's almost 1am.
Chunderful: Cool. Dream about me like you always do~
SUnny: >.>
Chunderful: I'll be caressing your hair in your dreams~
Chunderful: Nite, bestestestie Su
SUnny: Nite, bestestestie Chun :3
***SUnny has signed out
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: Ahhh, what's wrong with me? Mom only gave me just enough lunch money to last the rest of the month.
Chunderful: Guess I'm not eating tomorrow.
***Chunderful: has signed out
Chapter 12-------------------
Yay! :D Okay, it might get a bit more angsty after this. T.T But this is a crack fic, so I'm currently working on not making it too angsty. Um, *cough* I've already written the next....3 and half chapters. x'D But they'll need some editing and stuff, of course. Update very soon! I <3 guys~
....O.O" I didn't notice the visitor counter in the last chapter. Um....9000 visitors to Chapter 10????? That many people haven't even visted meh profile. xD (Never mind...O.O"")I think the counter might be broken or something. O.O""" *munches Yoosu!cookies*
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