The Rec Post

Nov 25, 2010 07:11

(Mod had it all typed up last night but LJ didn't save it. Appologies for early morning ineptness.)

My Honourable Friends,

This is your fic rec post.

To keep is vaguely organised, I would like to ask you to stick to the following rules:

1) Please use the following code in your subject line when you ask for a rec or post one.
The basic code is [letter according to asking or giving] person (genre) (kink)
a) When you are requesting a rec, the letter is [Q]; e.g. searching fic of a fluffy Anaximander scene with added vulcano action would be: [Q] Anaximander (fluff) (vulcano).
b) When you rec something, the letter is [A]; e.g recommending slash of Basilides/Demetrius with top Basilides and tickling would be: [A] Basilides/Demetrius (slash) (top!Basilides) (tickling)
c) Of course, you can ask for or rec more general things like searching for a good angsty fill, which would be [Q] (angst), or recommending your favourite fill that focuses on freckles, which would be [A] (freckles)

2) The message box part is there to be more specific. Anything that doesn't really have to be in the subject line should be put in the message box. 
So if you are looking for an underwater het fill, that might be worth mentioning in the subject line. But if you are looking for an underwater het fill in which someone wears red clothes, you might want to specify the clothes part in the message box

3) When you answer a request or give your rec, it would be nice to say why you chose that particular fill.

4) When giving a rec, it might be a good idea to not just give the link but also include the number the fic has on delicious. (But I'll make that optional)

If you have any questions about this, please ask them in the questions thread, which should be the first one.

I will try and keep an alphabetical list (by pairing or genre or whatever pops up) of your recs under this cut. 

(If there is another way to link directly to delicious bookmarks, please let me know.)

- Burnballs, slash. Andy and Ed's boys' night out
0975 ; post 2
Desribed by the person recommending it as the Burnballs fill

- Burnham/Cameron, slash. (+ Clegg/Balls) Courtship series
4935, 5095, 5581; post 7 ( 1, 2, 3)
Fluffy and hot and perfect for reading on a cold day.

- Gove, gen & angst
2411 B; post 4 
The one that made me notice Gove and even feel for him a bit. It's sad but beautifully written and has become my canon interpretation of him.

- Miliband/Miliband/OFC, het & slash
1005 C; post 2
the hottest porn I've ever read

- Milliband/Oona/Miliband, het & slash.
4533, 4617; post 6, 01, 02 
hot and have an interesting continuity running through them

- Miliband/Osborne, slash. Sex, Lies and a videotape
0288; post 1
Ed is so delightfully naive, and Cameron is such an evil bastard. Osborne is a rat, and David really will do anything for his brother.

- THoC sitcom series
verse tag;  post 7, 01, 02 , 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13
you have not lived the true lolitics life if you haven't read these

- historical
Regency!AU; 0264; post 1

- Labour-flavoured cuddles
Burnballs, 5386 A, post 7

still looking:

- Clameron, long angsty Clameron fics with woobie!Clegg

- Clameron, that Clameron shiny happy lovely bromancey feeling that got me shipping them from their Rose Garden appearance in the first place


If you don't agree with a rec someone gave, feel free to rec the fill you think was best and say why. Different people are bound to put value on different things
I trust you to be your usual polite selves.  :)

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