Title: Apt Pupil (Chapter 4) Pairing: Kangin/Leeteuk Genre: highschool!AU Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys, unfortunately. Summary: A new teacher Mr.Park has to deal with a problem.
Yaaay, it's been updated! I have been feeling moody since I've been up late for several nights from school assignments, but when I saw this updated I brightened up! Always love a healthy dose of my fave couple~ (>w<)b++
Aww, Jungsu just can't refuse Youngwoon, how sweet. Even though he said he doesn't believe in love, he's obviously started falling in love with Youngwoon-ah (even if he doesn't realize it himself). And that created delicious complications everywhere <3 And I sensed PAST relationship! I wonder with whom Jungsu was involved with? I can't wait to find out! (>///w///<)
I like how you sensed 'delicious complications' in the story...great reader! but...do you kill me if I confess I have no concrete idea for junsu's past story...? *hides behind the wall*
SO CUTE I CAN'T HELP BUT SMILE AT THEM!!!!! I'm so glad you are updating :DDD School work gets hard and this instantly brightened my day up :) Keep writing and i'll keep waiting
Comments 18
Aww, Jungsu just can't refuse Youngwoon, how sweet. Even though he said he doesn't believe in love, he's obviously started falling in love with Youngwoon-ah (even if he doesn't realize it himself). And that created delicious complications everywhere <3 And I sensed PAST relationship! I wonder with whom Jungsu was involved with? I can't wait to find out! (>///w///<)
but...do you kill me if I confess I have no concrete idea for junsu's past story...? *hides behind the wall*
In fact, it makes me even more curious what you are going to think of~ :DD
I'll wait patiently for the next chapter! <3
I WANT MORE. 83 lol <3
thanks for reading anyway <3
I'm so glad you are updating :DDD
School work gets hard and this instantly brightened my day up :)
Keep writing and i'll keep waiting
plz wait a little bit more...
i hope there'll be more about jungsu's background story later on...
Hdyfbsduyde!!! Whooo can resist youngwoon??? >< I dun blame u teuk!
So eager to find out about his "love life" if it actually exists kkkkk
Keep on updating n________n
thanks for the comment;D
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