Title: Apt Pupil (Chapter 5)
Pairing: Kangin/Leeteuk
Genre: highschool!AU
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys, unfortunately.
Summary: A new teacher Mr.Park has to deal with a problem.
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 |
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Comments 16
This made me sdudfbvrfds!! <333
"Jungsu hurriedly ran out of the room without looking back."
WAEEE TT^TT sobs sobs
Poor youngwoonie Is hurt
Glad you like this :D
thanks for the comment<3
*throws the laptop across the wall*
beast!youngwoon♥ mmm...
but youngwoon is so cute XD trying to prove himself to jungsu that he can protect him. totally awww~
beast!youngwoon is actually THE BEST, isn't it?
and jungsu running after him without thinking about anything.
and then! what happened actually? was it something to do with jungsu's past?
ah~~ i hope they can make up. and make out.
but they'll soon made out, no, I mean make up, but, um, ok, BOTH. xD
Just imagine... there's Kim Youngwoon, rough and sweaty, hurt and desperated, half-naked. HALF-NAKED. I would totally DIE.
WRITE MORE XD*happy fangırl over here
thıs part ıs O.M.G not jsut for kıssıng scene u know ? ı totaly can feel what Youngwoon feel when he try to show he wıll wın so he can show he cna do ıt wth theır relatıonshıp etr :o but then.. BOOM awww ;O; he ıs realy lıke hıghschool boys here <3 (ı rly lıke younger boys lıek thıs yet they are powerful ) ahhh why Jungso lıke thıs ;C he must hurt ın past rly much or ..(?)
ımma goıng to waıt for next chapıe *_* thank you for wrıtıng such a emotıonal & teacher /student fıc! lıke an anıme xD
yeah youngwoon is just a boy but he wants to show his care in some way.... hope jungsu would see it.
thanks for supportive comment<3
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