The internets are seething with the news of Jerry Falwell's death, with most commentators relating a sense of joy and justice well served. Well, sorry to be the one to shit on your parade, kids, but Jerry Falwell is kind of the winner here.
The guy was 73 years old. He lived a pretty long life, doing and saying pretty much whatever the fuck he
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"...the man was 59 and unemployed at the time of his death. He most likely died of natural causes on November 30, 2000, the date he received a letter from the Welfare Office found in the apartment...
"Next to the dead man's bed police found cigarettes, an
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The full resolution states: "In order for Satan to establish his "New World Order" and destroy the freedom of all people as predicted in the Scriptures, he must first destroy the U.S…. The mostly quiet and unspectacular invasion of illegal immigrants does not focus the attention of the nations the way open warfare does, but is all the more
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Today my atheist group held an event called Bake Sale for Your Soul, in which we had people sell us their souls in exchange for a cookie. It was fucking awesome.
It was basically me and a group of people sitting at a table in the College Center yelling at people as they walked by, "Hey, wanna sell your soul.....for a cookie?" And them replying, "
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22 days and I get to go hoooome! Next Tuesday is the last day of classes, then study week, then I'll have 3 exams, a final paper, and a short story, and then Cali, Cali, Cali, Cali, Cali, Cali
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Before I noticed the sight, I heard the sound. The sound of bad hippie music. The same few chords being played on an out-of-tune accustic guitar. A frontman reveling in the poor quality of his singing voice. I think I heard the word "whale," although it may have been "while," sung with a weird hippie accent
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What?: A Pity Party! Where?: Here! When?: Right now!
I am so royally screwed. How, you ask? Well, it's like this: I got an incredibly shitty draw number, and as a consequence, was waitlisted in all of my classes for next semester, save one. However, the one that I did get into- Advanced Russian- I'm going to have to drop because, due to extraneous
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Earlier today I saw a squirrel eating a bird that had been (probably repeatedly) run over. It was probably the best and worst thing I've seen since moving to New York.
According to the flyer in the bathroom stall in the library, April is sexual assault awareness month, and an excellent way to be aware of sexual assualt is through the dance. So, go out and dance in the name of sexual assualt.
There's this really fucked up cult called The Family and one of the tenants of their faith is that one should have a personal, sexual relationship with Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Humberto Christ. So one of the leaders of this group, Karen Zerby, put out a pamphlet of Love Words to Jesus that her fellow Family members could use while masturbating
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