Title: Finding a Friend in Need Table: Here Prompt: Drunk Rating: PG Summary: Sam Winchester is drunk, but instead of being happy, he's rather melancholy and dwells on his dark life. Warnings: Some spoilers for season two. ( He found a friend in need )
Title: A Rock and A Hard Place Table: Here Prompt: Injured Rating: PG-13 Summary: Sam Winchester gets beat up a lot, but this is probably the worst he's sustained. ( All he remembers is the monstrous figure... )
Title: College Sweethearts Table: Here Prompt: Love Rating: PG-13 Summary: How Sam Winchester came to meet and fall in love with Jessica Moore. Warnings: Some light smut. ( He was in love )
Who: Henry Townshend - "Silent Hill" What: Henry begins to crack from being locked inside his apartment for three days only to find that his means of escape is a dream.