a kiss, and all was said (index)

Apr 20, 2010 19:55

each kiss a heart-quake

Link ❤ K-i-s-s-i-n-g ❥ Author
List will continue to be updated! Last updated: 08/22/10 10:47 AM EST

Ohno/Jun Drabble ❤ Ohno&Jun ❥ alexiela

Coming of age ficlet ❤ Aiba&Nino ❥ cupcake4mafia

A fic that took TEN minutes ❤ Nino&Ohno ❥ still_ciircee

A kiss ❤ Sho&Nino ❥ honooko

Mini-fic: an Arashi kiss ❤ Jun&Aiba ❥ floweranza

The Space Between Dreaming ❤ Aiba&Nino ❥ aeslis

Neither Kegs, nor, unfortunately, Eggs ❤ Sho&Nino ❥ imifumei

Breathe ❤ Nino&Jun ❥ polyesterflame

Just maybe; early-morning kisses ❤ Sho&Nino ❥ calerine

Man, you kiss like a girl ❤ Jun&Sho ❥ emi_writes

Gentlemen don't kiss and tell ❤ Nino&Jun ❥ sunscribble

Kiss and a Haircut ❤ Aiba&Ohno ❥ nicefinalbeam

Winding Down ❤ Ohno&Jun ❥ whenyoudesertme

Never(and he loves) ❤ Sho&Jun ❥ thier_sess

Thank You for the Flowers ❤ Sho&Jun ❥ reversemirror

Suck It Up ❤ Nino&Toma ❥ nande_daiyo

Untitled ❤ Aiba&Sho ❥ oneiric_dreams

Untitled ❤ Jun&Aiba ❥ honooko

Softly ❤ Aiba&Nino ❥ madisonfink

Here ❤ Nino&Jun ❥ madisonfink

Untitled ❤ Nino&Ohno ❥ tangiblewhimsy

It Happened One Night ❤ Aiba&Becky ❥ astrangerenters

We Could Have Been a Fairytale ❤ Jun&OC ❥ skyhorse8

Words are Overrated ❤ Sho&Jun ❥ somanywords2say

Moving ❤ Ohno&Sho ❥ thier_sess

Wounds & Kisses // Forgive me with a kiss ❤ Aiba&Nino ❥ 50past12

Ikemen Kiss Paradise ❤ Jun&Toma ❥ 50past12

images of broken light ❤ Ohno&Jun ❥ augustfai

Drawing the Line ❤ Aiba&Ohno ❥ dictionarysays

Waking Moments ❤ Nino&Aiba ❥ aeslis

Trinity ❤ Jun&Ohno&Nino ❥ spiegelaugen

the beginning is the end is the beginning ❤ Aiba&Sho ❥ aridseas

the first real kiss ❤ Nino&Ohno ❥ ayu_t

Sweet ❤ Jun&Aiba ❥ goldfreckled

Three times when Jun didn't get his first date with Ohno and one time when he kind of did ❤ Ohno&Jun ❥ their_sess

手つなごぉ ❤ Nino&Ohno ❥ harinezumi_kun

The Goodnight Kiss ❤ Aiba&Nino ❥ saana_13

Linger ❤ Nino&Ohno ❥ jade_lil

A First Kiss to Remember ❤ Nino&Ohno ❥ animenrock

You're Like a Drug ❤ Nino&Ohno ❥ arashijun

Things Don't Really Change ❤ Sho&Jun ❥ arashijun

Worth a Try ❤ Sho&Jun ❥ satsumatsu

Ante Meridiem ❤ Jun&Aiba ❥ aridseas

Moving In ❤ Nino&Jun ❥ satsumatsu

Apology ❤ Sho&Nino ❥ twentytwopieces

Pre-Quest Recommendations

Kiss kiss kiss soshite ❤ Nino&Ohno ❥ still_ciircee

A Short Love Story in Drabble Form ❤ Nino&Ohno ❥ floweranza

Aubade ❤ Nino&Ohno ❥ starsystems

Relay ❤ Arashi ❥ whenyoudesertme

Full Entry: View ❤ Nino&Jun ❥ katmillia

Questions ❤ Sho&Nino ❥ honooko

Kisu Kisushite ❤ Sho&Jun ❥ hiro_chan

Oral Fixation ❤ Aiba&Sho ❥ tangiblewhimsy

fic, arashi

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