Title: Not Waving But Drowning
claricehubert &
apieceofcakePairing: Jensen/Jared
Genre: AU, Drama
Rating: NC - 17
Word Count: ~34,000
Spoiler/Warnings: suicide attempt, past Non-Con, the topic of child abuse (without any actually taking place)
Summary: Jensen finds that after his dream of having a family finally came true, it's not all lollipops and candy-canes.
A/N: Written for
rpf_big_bang. Sequel to
Monster. An abridged version of the prequel is provided below. I, personally, recommend the full prequel to be read first, but I might be a little biased in that department ;) Title taken from Stevie Smith's poem by the same name.
Prequel: Monster
Master Post -
Abridged Prologue: T Minus Zero //
Chapter 1: T Minus 2 Years 8 Months //
Chapter 2: T Minus 1 Year 4 Months //
Chapter 3: T Minus 1 Year //
Chapter 4: T Minus 9 Months //
Chapter 5: T Minus 1 Month //
Chapter 6: T Minus Zero //
Epilogue: Starting Over //
Not Waving But Drowning - PDF //
Art Master PostEven more of the beautiful pictures by
apieceofcake. For spoiler-phobes: Be aware, some images contain spoilers for the story!
Disclaimer: This is a fanwork. Neither the author nor the fanwork are in any way affiliated with the original work. No profit is made. The events described in this fanwork did not happen, nor are in anyway related to the people whose names and faces have been borrowed for the purpose of this story.
A big, big thank you goes to
claricehubert and
samjsjlove for taking time to look through my fic and giving helpful input!
apieceofcake for creating so much lovely art!
primreceded and
chosenfire28 for making the challenge possible and a lot of fun!